Aging among persons with serious mental illness: Policy implications for earlier onset of frailty

TitleAging among persons with serious mental illness: Policy implications for earlier onset of frailty
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsBarak Y, Greco P, Glue P
JournalGeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry
Start Page92
ISBN Number1662-9647<br/>1662-971X

Understanding how persons with serious mental illness (SMI) age is crucial. We compared the aging of persons with SMI with that of older adults from the general population in a large community sample focusing on demographic and clinical variables: cognitive performance, dementia, and diabetes. Participants were New Zealanders 65 years and older who completed the international Resident Assessment Instrument (interRAI). Data from 10,361 participants (mean age 80.4 years, 55.5% female) were analyzed. 258 of them were persons with SMI (mean age 73.0, 57.0% female). Persons with SMI were significantly younger than those from the general population. InterRAI assessments showed no clinical differences. Significantly, more persons with SMI were living alone and without a partner.
