Initial validation of the Chinese interRAI Mental Health in people with psychiatric illness

TitleInitial validation of the Chinese interRAI Mental Health in people with psychiatric illness
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChan C.L, Lai C.K, Chi I.
JournalInt J Psychiatry Clin Pract
Date PublishedAug
ISBN Number1471-1788 (Electronic)<br/>1365-1501 (Linking)
Accession Number24611537
Keywords*Mental health services, *Psychiatric Status Rating Scales, *Quality of Health Care, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Asian Continental Ancestry Group/*psychology, Chinese, Health Services Needs and Demand, Humans, interRAI Mental Health, Male, Mental Disorders/*diagnosis, Middle Aged, Psychometrics, Reproducibility of Results, Residential Facilities, Translations, validation, Young Adult

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the Chinese interRAI Mental Health (MH) among people with psychiatric illnesses. METHODS: Study participants were 157 individuals with psychiatric illnesses living in a psychiatric long-term care facility or halfway house in Hong Kong. The authors prepared the Chinese interRAI MH. A panel of bilingual healthcare professionals examined the quality of the translation. The reliability of the 6 scales embedded in the instrument was examined using Cronbach's alphas, intraclass correlations, and Kappa coefficients. Pearson's product moment correlations, Spearman's order correlations, and independent t-tests were used to determine the concurrent and construct validity of the scales. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Internal consistency values (alpha = 0.66-0.95) and test-retest reliability coefficients (ICC = 0.76-0.97; kappa = 0.75-1.00) of the scales were found to be satisfactory. All 6 scales correlated significantly with the criterion measures. As expected, 3 scales relating to cognition, activities of daily living (ADL), and instrumental ADL discriminated among individuals living in two types of residential setting. Chinese interRAI MH was found to be a valid and reliable tool useful for the clinicians in Hong Kong.
