Disordered Eating Behaviours in Adolescents with and without a Formal ED Diagnosis: Comparing Individual and Contextual Factors

TitleDisordered Eating Behaviours in Adolescents with and without a Formal ED Diagnosis: Comparing Individual and Contextual Factors
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsChapnik EG
UniversityThe University of Western Ontario (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,
CityThe University of Western Ontario

This study explored various psychosocial factors associated with disordered eating in adolescents accessing mental health services across Ontario, Canada. Data were collected using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) assessment tool and participants were categorized into three groups: individuals with diagnosed eating disorders (ED, n=207), disordered eating without a formal ED diagnosis (sub-ED, n=888), and other treatment-seeking youth (non-ED, n=3285). The ED and sub-ED groups did not differ in many ways, presenting with a similarly greater prevalence of mental health issues, and dysfunctional family and peer relationships, in comparison to non-ED youth. However, the ED group was more likely to have other psychiatric diagnoses (i.e., mood, anxiety, and sleep disorders) than the sub-ED or non-ED groups. These findings highlight a potentially underserved population of treatment-seeking youth in Canada, facing significant psychosocial challenges related to disordered eating, yet lacking access to proper diagnostic services.

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