Integrating Evidence-Based Interventions into Client Care Plans

TitleIntegrating Evidence-Based Interventions into Client Care Plans
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsDoran D., Carryer J., Paterson J., Goering P., Nagle L., Kushniruk A., Bajnok I., Clark C., Srivastava R.
JournalStudies in health technology and informatics
ISBN Number0926-9630
Accession NumberWOS:000274313500002
Keywordsevidence-based practice, framework, health information technology, human computer interaction, knowledge translation

Within the mental health care system, there is an opportunity to improve patient safety and the overall quality of care by integrating clinical practice guidelines with the care planning process through the use of information technology. Electronic assessment tools such as the Resident Assessment Inventory - Mental Health (RAI-MH) are widely used to identify the health care needs and outcomes of clients. In this knowledge translation initiative, an electronic care planning tool was enhanced to include evidence-based clinical interventions from schizophrenia guidelines. This paper describes the development of a mental health decision support prototype, a field test by clinicians, and user experiences with the application.

Short TitleStud Health Technol
Alternate JournalStud Health Technol