Risk adjusting outcome measures for post-acute care

TitleRisk adjusting outcome measures for post-acute care
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsFries BE, Morris JN, Aliaga P, Jones R
JournalAmerican Journal of Medical Quality
Date PublishedMar-Apr
Accession Number12710555
Keywords*Home Care Services/st [Standards], *Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Risk Adjustment/mt [Methods], *Subacute Care/st [Standards], Activities of Daily Living, Aged, Cognition Disorders/nu [Nursing], Decubitus Ulcer/nu [Nursing], Health Services Research, Human, Logistic Models, Michigan, Quality Indicators, Health Care, Risk Adjustment/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.

This article examines whether different risk adjusters are needed for home care outcome measures for post-acute care clients. Multiple risk adjusters that met clinical and policy criteria were tested using multiple logistic regression on a sample of 4403 post-acute home care clients from Michigan. Two of the 6 outcome measures had substantially different risk adjusters for the post-acute care population versus the general population. Care should be taken to select outcome measures and risk adjusters for special home care populations.



Alternate JournalAm J Med Qual