Nursing home resident quality of life: testing for measurement equivalence across resident, family, and staff perspectives

TitleNursing home resident quality of life: testing for measurement equivalence across resident, family, and staff perspectives
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsGodin J, Keefe J, E. Kelloway K, Hirdes JP
JournalQuality of Life Research
Date PublishedApr 17
ISBN Number1573-2649 (Electronic)<br/>0962-9343 (Linking)
Accession Number25894064
KeywordsFamily perceptions, InterRAI, Long-Term Care, Measurement equivalence, nursing home residents, Quality of Life, Staff perceptions

PURPOSE: This study explores the factor structure of the interRAI self-report nursing home quality of life survey and develops a measure that will allow researchers to compare predictors of quality of life (QOL) across resident, family, and staff perspectives. METHODS: Nursing home residents (N = 319), family members (N = 397), and staff (N = 862) were surveyed about their perceptions of resident QOL. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted on a random half of the staff data. Subsequently, confirmatory factor analysis was used to test for measurement equivalence across the three perspectives. RESULTS: The final model had a four-factor structure (i.e., care and support, food, autonomy, and activities) across all three perspectives. Each factor had at least two items that were equivalent across all three perspectives, which suggests at least partial measurement equivalence. CONCLUSION: The finding of partial measurement equivalence acknowledges there are important differences between perspectives and provides a tool that researchers can use to compare predictors of QOL, but not levels of agreement across perspectives. Targeting these four aspects is likely to have the additional benefit of improving family and staff perceptions of resident QOL in addition to the resident's own QOL.


Short TitleQuality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
Alternate JournalQuality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation