Recent Trends In State Nursing Home Payment Policies

TitleRecent Trends In State Nursing Home Payment Policies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsGrabowski D.C, Feng Z., Intrator O., Mor V.
JournalHealth Aff (Millwood)
Date PublishedJun 16
Accession Number15451956

State Medicaid programs pay for a sizable portion of overall nursing home expenditures. The repeal of the Boren amendment in 1997 gave states greater freedom to set Medicaid nursing home policy. This study presents data from a comprehensive survey of state nursing home payment policies during 1999-2002. Aggregate inflation-adjusted Medicaid payment rates rose steadily, and there was no sizable increase in the adoption of other cost-cutting policies. Although these findings can be interpreted with some optimism from a nursing home financing perspective, areas of common concern remain for state nursing home policy during the next several years.
