Comprehensive geriatric assessment ‘online’

TitleComprehensive geriatric assessment ‘online’
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGray L, Wootton R
JournalAustralasian Journal on Ageing
ISBN Number1440-6381
Accession Number19032623
KeywordsAged, Decision Making, Education, Nursing, Continuing, Geriatric Assessment/ methods, Geriatric Nursing/education/ methods, Humans, Internet, Software

This paper describes a system designed to enable comprehensive geriatric assessment to be performed at distant locations. A structured assessment incorporating the interRAI Acute Care assessment tool is administered by a specifically trained nurse assessor onsite. Data are entered and processed by web-based software that incorporates a clinical decision support system. It enables a geriatrician to review and report the assessment online. The assessment and report can be viewed by authorised clinicians inside and outside the hospital via the Internet. The system can also be used to support in person geriatric consultation and whole of episode ward-based geriatric care. Preliminary evaluation suggests the system to be reliable, safe, efficient and appealing to clinicians.


Short TitleAustralasian journal on ageingAustralasian journal on ageing
Alternate JournalAustralas J Ageing