Feasibility and validity of the InterRAI ED Screener

TitleFeasibility and validity of the InterRAI ED Screener
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsGretarsdottir E., A. Jonsdottir B, Tomasson G., Gumundsdottir E.E, Hjaltadottir I., Sigurorsdottir I., I. Jakobsdottir B, Thorsteinsdottir T.
Conference NameEuropean Geriatric Medicine
IssueSupplement 1
Conference LocationNetherlands
Keywords*construct validity, *feasibility study, Aged, convenience sample, correlation coefficient, emergency health service, emergency ward, Female, home care, Human, human tissue, linear regression analysis, major clinical study, Male

Introduction: The InterRAI ED Screener (RAI-ED) is a novel risk stratification instrument incorporating functional and social aspects intended to identify older adults at increased risk for adverse health outcomes. We assessed the feasibility of the instrument in an emergency department (ED) and its construct validity with established instruments. Method(s): Data from a convenience sample of 67+ patients at the ED were used. The items of the RAI-ED, Triage risk screening tool (TRST) and Identification of Seniors at risk (ISAR) were verbally administered. Correlation coefficients were calculated between RAI-ED with ISAR and TRST respectively. Linear regression was used to determine the scores of the RAI-ED that best corresponded to accepted cut-offs for the TRST and ISAR. Result(s): Of 237 approached patients, 200 provided full consent for participation. The mean age was 78.5 years (range 67-97 years and sd 7.4) and 44% were male. Majority of the participants (85%) lived at home, 43% lived alone and 53% received home care. RAI-ED and ISAR scores could be obtained for 187 participants (93%) and TRST scores for 163 (81%). The mean scores were 3.19 (1.53), 2.22 (1.43) and 2.16 (1.36) for the RAI-ED, ISAR and TRST respectively. The correlation of RAI-ED with ISAR and TRST was 0.56 and 0.41 respectively. Scores of 3.02 and 3.01 on RAI-ED corresponded to the accepted cut-offs of 2 on the ISAR-and TRST instruments respectively. Conclusion(s): These data provide initial support for the utility of the RAI-ED instrument in the ED.

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