The Role of Medications in Predicting Activity Restriction Due to a Fear of Falling

TitleThe Role of Medications in Predicting Activity Restriction Due to a Fear of Falling
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsGuthrie DM, Fletcher PC, Berg K, Williams E, Boumans N, Hirdes JP
JournalJournal of Aging and Health
Date PublishedMarch 1, 2012
Accession NumberWOS:000300439500005

Objectives: To examine the role of medication use and other factors in predicting activity restriction due to a fear of falling (AR/FF). Methods: Older adults were assessed twice with the interRAI Community Health Assessment and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). The main outcome was limiting going outdoors due to an AR/FF. Medications were recorded by trained assessors. Results: Participants (n = 441) had a mean age of 80.3 (SD = 7.1) years, most were aged 65+ (96.8%) and 29.3% reported activity restriction. Taking nervous system active or cardiovascular medications was associated with AR/FF. In a multivariate model, the main predictors were having 3+ comorbid health conditions, lower (i.e., worse) scores on the BBS, having difficulty with climbing stairs, and having a visual impairment. Discussion: Modifiable risk factors, related to functional impairments, such as difficulties with balance and vision, appear to be more important predictors than medications.


Short TitleJournal of aging and health