A Newly Identified Impairment in Both Vision and Hearing Increases the Risk of Deterioration in Both Communication and Cognitive Performance

TitleA Newly Identified Impairment in Both Vision and Hearing Increases the Risk of Deterioration in Both Communication and Cognitive Performance
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsGuthrie D.M, Williams N., Campos J., Mick P., Orange J.B, Pichora-Fuller M.K, Savundranayagam M.Y, Wittich W., Phillips N.A
JournalCanadian journal on aging: La revue canadienne du vieillissement
Keywords*hearing impairment/ep [Epidemiology], *visual disorder/ep [Epidemiology], Cognition, complication, Female, Hearing, hearing test, Human, interpersonal communication, Male, psychology

Vision and hearing impairments are highly prevalent in adults 65 years of age and older. There is a need to understand their association with multiple health-related outcomes. We analyzed data from the Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI-HC). Home care clients were followed for up to 5 years and categorized into seven unique cohorts based on whether or not they developed new vision and/or hearing impairments. An absolute standardized difference (stdiff) of at least 0.2 was considered statistically meaningful. Most clients (at least 60%) were female and 34.9 per cent developed a new sensory impairment. Those with a new concurrent vison and hearing impairment were more likely than those with no sensory impairments to experience a deterioration in receptive communication (stdiff = 0.68) and in cognitive performance (stdiff = 0.49). After multivariate adjustment, they had a twofold increased odds (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1,87, 2.35) of deterioration in cognitive performance. Changes in sensory functioning are common and have important effects on multiple health-related outcomes.
