Public reporting of nursing home quality of care: lessons from the United States experience for Canadian policy discussion

TitlePublic reporting of nursing home quality of care: lessons from the United States experience for Canadian policy discussion
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsHutchinson AM, Draper K, Sales AE
JournalHealthcare Policy
Date PublishedNov
ISBN Number1715-6580 (Electronic)<br/>1715-6572 (Print)<br/>1715-6572 (Linking)
Accession Number21037828

While the demand for continuing care services in Canada grows, the quality of such services has come under increasing scrutiny. Consideration has been given to the use of public reporting of quality data as a mechanism to stimulate quality improvement and promote public accountability for and transparency in service quality. The recent adoption of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) throughout a number of Canadian jurisdictions means that standardized quality data are available for comparisons among facilities across regions, provinces and nationally. In this paper, we explore current knowledge on public reporting in nursing homes in the United States to identify what lessons may inform policy discussion regarding potential use of public reporting in Canada. Based on these findings, we make recommendations regarding how public reporting should be progressed and managed if Canadian jurisdictions were to implement this strategy.

