Education and employment needs and receipt of services in community and inpatient mental health settings

TitleEducation and employment needs and receipt of services in community and inpatient mental health settings
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKehyayan V., Hirdes J.P, Perlman C.M
JournalCommunity Ment Health J
Date PublishedAug
ISBN Number1573-2789 (Electronic)<br/>0010-3853 (Linking)
Accession Number24468798
Keywords*Needs Assessment, *Rehabilitation, Vocational/methods, Adult, Aged, Community mental health services, Employment, Female, Humans, Inpatients, Male, Mental Disorders/psychology/rehabilitation, Middle Aged, Young Adult

The interRAI Education and Employment Clinical Assessment Protocol (EdEmp CAP) identifies three groups of individuals in community and inpatient mental health settings: those who are at risk of losing their employment or disrupting their education; those who require support in employment or educational participation; or those for whom interventions related to education and employment are not triggered. The EdEmp CAP was effective in identifying subpopulations who were at risk, but who did not receive any vocational rehabilitation or counseling. The EdEmp CAP can be used in clinical practice to identify individuals who might benefit from specific interventions in these areas.
