Patient-and ward-level determinants of nursing time in nursing facilities

TitlePatient-and ward-level determinants of nursing time in nursing facilities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsLaine J., Noro A., Finne-Soveri H., Hakkinen U.
JournalJournal of Health Services Research and Policy
Keywords*nursing home, article, Cognition, Human, long term care, patient care, physical capacity, priority journal, time, ward

Objectives: To explore the patient- and ward-level determinants of wage-adjusted nursing time in long-term care wards for the elderly with a view to improving efficiency of the use of labour resources. Method(s): The wage-adjusted nursing time given to patients was obtained from a time measurement study. Patient characteristics were based on the Minimum Data Set 2.0 of the Resident Assessment Instrument for nursing homes. Ordinary least-squares regression analysis and multilevel modelling were used to disentangle the effect of patient- and ward-level factors on nursing time. Result(s): A significant difference in wage-adjusted nursing time bet-ween wards was detected, which was partly explained by characteristics of patients in wards. The combination of patients' physical functioning and cognition and the Resource Utilization Groups RUG-III/22 resource use classification explained 20-25% of patients' nursing time over a 24-hour period. Variables related to the operational environment of the ward did not explain differences in wage-adjusted nursing time once the patient profile of the ward had been controlled for. The results also showed notable unmeasured patient and ward level effects, inefficiency and randomness in the allocation of nursing time. Conclusion(s): By improving the allocation and use of labour resources, the substantial variation in nursing time between wards could be diminished. Managers should allocate their staff primarily according to patients' resource needs. © The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd 2005.
