Social relationships and activities among married psychiatric inpatients with sexual difficulties

TitleSocial relationships and activities among married psychiatric inpatients with sexual difficulties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMartin L, Perlman CM, Hirdes JP
JournalJournal of sex & marital therapy
ISBN Number0092-623x
Accession Number21707332
KeywordsAdult, Comorbidity, Female, Humans, Inpatients/*statistics & numerical data, Male, Marriage, Mental Disorders/*epidemiology, Middle Aged, Ontario/epidemiology, Psychiatric Department, Hospital, Severity of Illness Index, Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/diagnosis/*epidemiology, Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/diagnosis/*epidemiology, Social Environment, Spouses/*statistics & numerical data, Surveys and Questionnaires

This study examined the social relationships and activities of married adults with sexual difficulties receiving inpatient psychiatric care in Ontario, Canada. The authors conducted secondary analysis of population-level data on 11,982 married inpatients who were assessed with the Resident Assessment Instrument Mental Health. The authors used descriptive statistics, chi-square analyses, and multivariate logistic regression techniques. Results indicated that 10.7% experienced sexual difficulties, which were related to higher likelihood of dysfunctional social relationships and to lower likelihood of social contact, especially among married women. These findings suggest that assessment of sexual function should be seen as part of comprehensive psychiatric care to support recovery.


Short TitleJ Sex Marital TherJ Sex Marital Ther
Alternate JournalJ Sex Marital Ther