The prevalence of smoking and implications for quality of life among the community-based elderly

TitleThe prevalence of smoking and implications for quality of life among the community-based elderly
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsMaxwell C.J, Hirdes J.P
JournalAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine
Date PublishedNov-Dec
Accession Number8311983
Keywords*Quality of Life, *Smoking/ep [Epidemiology], Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Comparative Study, Female, Human, Male, Middle Aged, Ontario/ep [Epidemiology], Prevalence, Smoking Cessation, Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, Time Factors

Although the adverse health consequences associated with smoking among middle-aged adults are well known, the significance of smoking among the elderly is less clear. We used data from three national surveys with representative samples of the noninstitutionalized Canadian population 15 years of age and older to investigate the prevalence and consequences of smoking among the elderly. The results showed a lower prevalence of smoking among older age groups, a higher prevalence and higher consumption rates among elderly men than among elderly women, a greater likelihood among elderly nonsmokers for men to be former smokers and for women never to have smoked, and lower consumption rates among elderly men and women than among younger individuals. Results from multivariate logistic regression models suggested an increased risk among elderly male and female smokers for poorer health ratings, respiratory problems, and selected medication use. These models also showed an increased risk for impairment in mobility and high life stress among elderly male smokers and for low happiness and dissatisfaction with social relationships among elderly female smokers, compared with persons who had never smoked. These preliminary findings suggest that smoking among elderly persons may be associated with several negative quality-of-life outcomes, but the direction of this relationship is not clear. Nonetheless, these results provide support for the initiation of smoking cessation programs for elderly individuals.

Short TitleAm J Prev MedAmerican journal of preventive medicine
Alternate JournalAm J Prev Med