Hot tips to assist virtual patient assessment in uncertain times

TitleHot tips to assist virtual patient assessment in uncertain times
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMeehan B, Honey M
JournalKai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand
ISBN Number1173-2032

During these uncertain times of managing COVID-19 in New Zealand, nurses have already been, and are increasingly likely to be, called to work in new ways. This is both to protect our patients and also to limit our own exposure to COVID-19. One option is to use technology to mediate interaction with patients. We share some ideas that have been developed when undertaking interRAI assessments, as these provide some useful hints for any setting where you need to assess a patient without being with them – so using a phone or video-conference, such as Skype or Zoom to connect with a patient. These hints have been developed and tested for using interRAI ( interRAI is a collection of comprehensive clinical assessment tools developed by an international collaborative to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people. InterRAI is already used throughout New Zealand by health professionals in district health boards and aged residential care facilities. Standardised interRAI assessment tools help determine which level of support clients and residents need.
