interRAI Check-Up (CU) Assessment, Supplement, and Self-Reported Forms and User's Manual

TitleinterRAI Check-Up (CU) Assessment, Supplement, and Self-Reported Forms and User's Manual
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMorris JN, Howard EP, Geffen LN, Hirdes JP, Hogeveen SE, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Gray L, Head MJ, James ML, Ljunggren G, Martin L, Meehan B, Stewart SL, Szczerbinska K, Topinkova E
EditionVersion 10.1.1, Standard Edition
Number of Pages140
CityWashington, DC
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number978-1-62255-120-0
Accession Number2018009891
KeywordsHome Care Services organization & administration, Needs Assessment, Self Report

The foundation reference instrument for the interRAI Check-Up (CU) is the interRAI Home Care (HC) — a comprehensive assessment tool for the wide spectrum of persons in the community receiving home care services. Work on the interRAI Check-Up was originally carried out by interRAI to support programs that addressed the needs and status of persons living independently in the community. It was then extended to cover usage in primary care physician practices.Working within the confines of an independent housing study, we first identified a subset of items from the interRAI HC required to assess the status of a cross section of adults residing independently in the community. Next, we supplemented this draft of the community instrument with a set of items that would make the instrument appropriate for use in a primary care setting. These two sets of items form the interRAI Check-Up.The roughly ninety items in the interRAI Check-Up are a subset of the item content in the interRAI Home Care and Community Health Assessment (CHA) instruments. As some sites will want to complete a more encompassing review for those persons in the community with functional and cognitive deficits, we have also created the interRAI Supplement to the Check-Up — an assessment supplement tool that includes an additional seventy items. Together the two components facilitate a more in-depth assessment of the status of complex clients — that is, persons with ADL deficits and/or problems in decision making. Finally, for those who wish to determine the interRAI’s resource utilization group (RUG-HC), a final set of twenty service-oriented items is available as optional items to the Supplement.We also note that there are two formats for the interRAI Check-Up: (1) the primary is an assessment document used by a trained assessor and (2) a self-reported version that is best used within a computer data-gathering format. The self-reported version of the interRAI Check-Up is described and presented in Part V.This book contains introductory material, an item-by-item guide for using the assessment forms, the assessment form itself, a supplemental form, and a self-reported version of the form.
