Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan

TitleCan connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsObayashi K, Kodate N, Masuyama S
JournalTechnology in Society
Start Page101318
ISBN Number0160-791X

A sheet-shaped body vibrometer (SBV) is a type of assistive technology which offers a constant and noninvasive method of recording and monitoring the physical condition and sleep patterns of care recipients. With the aim of creating a safer environment for both care recipients and caregivers, we connected the SBV to a communicative robot (com-robot), to function as an integrated system. The robot has a sensor which activates when a care recipient tries to stand up, whereupon it sends an alert to care staff and speaks to the care recipient. The combined technologies offer an enhanced sense of security, as they watch over older people during the night, visualise sleep patterns and alert care staff. As proof of concept, this study examines the usefulness of this connected system by testing its effectiveness among two types of users (care recipients and professionals) in a residential care home in Japan. For the former, sleep parameters were investigated to see if there was any change over time in and impact on an older person's quality of life. As a measurement of quality of life, the interRAI method was used as a comprehensive assessment tool, based on which a care plan was also created for each care recipient. The interRAI is a nursing care evaluation and nursing care plan creation guideline package that provides unbroken care that can be used at home, in facilities or in the community For the latter, the study tests the level of fatigue among care professionals during night shifts before and after the intervention. For triangulation of data, semi-structured interviews and usability tests were carried out. Despite a few points for improvement, the results highlight multiple benefits for care recipients and professionals of using the SBV and com-robot integrated system in a residential care home.
