Benchmarking Implementation of a Computerized System for Long-term Care

TitleBenchmarking Implementation of a Computerized System for Long-term Care
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsOssip-Klein D, Karuza J, Tweet A, Howard J, Obermiller-Powers M, Howard L, Katz P, Griffin-Roth S, Swift M
JournalAmerican Journal of Medical Quality
Date Published2002
ISBN Number1062-8606
KeywordsBenchmarking, computer, Minimum data set, nursing home, Resident assessment instrument

The purpose of this study was to apply a benchmarking methodology to identify the most effective approaches used by long-term care facilities in implementing new computerized resident assessment instrument/minimum data set (RAI/MDS) systems and to develop implementation protocols based on these "best practices." Site visits were conducted with 3 long-term care facilities, selected on the basis of a national search. Facility directors, directors of nursing, information system managers, and frontline staff at each facility were targeted, and questionnaires were developed for each to assess factors viewed  as important to successful implementation. A convergence was found in recommended action steps reported across sites to facilitate introduction and implementation of new RAI/MDS  software. An example of how benchmarking results were used to develop an implementation plan is provided. Benchmarking provided a useful methodology for identifying best practices to guide implementation planning for adoption of a new computerized RAI/MDS  system in the current trial. The benchmarking steps described are replicable and can be used to guide implementation of other new systems in the nursing home setting.
