Use of physical restraints and psychotropic medications in Alzheimer special care units in nursing homes

TitleUse of physical restraints and psychotropic medications in Alzheimer special care units in nursing homes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsPhillips C.D, Spry K.M, Sloane P.D, Hawes C.
JournalAmerican Journal of Public Health
Date PublishedJan
Accession Number10630143
Keywords*alzheimer disease, *Homes for the Aged/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Nursing Homes/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Psychotropic Drugs/tu [Therapeutic Use], *Restraint, Physical/ut [Utilization], 0 (Psychotropic Drugs), Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Alzheimer Disease/dt [Drug Therapy], Alzheimer Disease/nu [Nursing], Female, Human, Logistic Models, Male, Odds Ratio, Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S., United States

OBJECTIVES: This study analyzed the use of mechanical restraints and psychotropic medication in Alzheimer special care units (SCUs) in nursing homes. METHODS: We analyzed 1993 data for more than 71,000 nursing home residents in 4 states, including more than 1,100 residents in 48 SCUs. The dependent variable in multinomial logistic regression was use of physical restraints or psychotropic medication. Models contained covariates representing facility and resident characteristics, and multivariate matching strategies were used to protect against selection bias. RESULTS: Residents in SCUs did not differ from similar residents in traditional units in their likelihood of being physically restrained. Residents in SCUs were more likely to receive psychotropic medication. CONCLUSIONS: With regard to the measures used in this research, the findings indicate that residents in the SCUs in the 4 study states did not receive quality of care superior to that provided to similar residents in traditional units. In fact, the results related to drug use raise the question of whether some may have received poorer care.


Short TitleAm J Public HealthAm J Public Health
Alternate JournalAm J Public Health