Risk factors for urinary incontinence in nursing home residents

TitleRisk factors for urinary incontinence in nursing home residents
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSaxer S., Halfens R.JG, Muller M., Dassen T.
JournalSwiss Medical Weekly
Keywords*geriatric patient, *nursing home, *urine incontinence/ep [Epidemiology], Aged, article, Cognition, Exercise, Female, functional assessment, geriatric care, hip fracture, Human, incontinence/ep [Epidemiology], long term memory, major clinical study, Male, patient mobility, physical activity, residential care, risk factor, switzerland, Walking

Question: What are potential risk factors for urinary incontinence in nursing home residents older than 65 years at the time of admission and over time? Method: Secondary analysis of data from the Minimum Data Set of the Resident Assessment Instrument in a cross-section as well as a longitudinal section. The sample contained data of 2722 residents from 42 different geriatric and nursing homes in north-west Switzerland. Result(s): The cross-sectional analysis showed the variable "moving in bed" as the most important personal variable for incontinence at admission. Longitudinal analyses: The most important risk factor was 'moving in bed' as it continued its action even at 12 months. In a further analysis (incontinence one year after admission with the risk factors at admission) the items "long-term memory, state season and walking in room" were important factors. Conclusion(s): The data suggest that mental and physical exercises could be a way to reduce urinary incontinence. However, physical exercises would be the most important, because "moving in bed" continued its action even at 12 months. Despite some limitations attributable to the data collection, this is the first study in Switzerland to examine risk factors for urinary incontinence among nursing home residents.