interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Version 9.3.1, Simplified Chinese Edition

TitleinterRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Version 9.3.1, Simplified Chinese Edition
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsStewart SL, Hirdes JP, McKnight M, Curtin-Telegdi N, Perlman CM, MacLeod K, Ninan A, Currie M, Carson S, Morris JN, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Gray L, Head MJ, James ML, Ljunggren G, Meehan B, Steel K, Szczerbinska K, Topinkova E
EditionVersion 9.3.1, Simplified Chinese Edition
Number of Pages76
CityWashington, DC
Publication LanguageSimplified Chinese
ISBN Number978-1-62255-172-9
KeywordsAdolescent, Child, Child and Youth Mental Health assessment system, Child, Preschool, Diagnosis, Mental Disorders, Needs Assessment, Psychological tests

The Simplified Chinese edition of the "interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S)" is translated from the English standard edition of the interRAI ChYMH-S. The interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S) is based on, and intended to complement, the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (interRAI ChYMH) assessment instrument for both in-patient and community-based populations.The interRAI ChYMH Screener can be used to assist with triaging as well as identifying the need for a full, comprehensive mental health assessment using the interRAI ChYMH assessment. The interRAI ChYMH-S can be used as a basic screener in multiple settings, including in-patient and community programs and services. The primary use of the interRAI ChYMH-S is to support decision making related to triaging, placement, and service utilization. Although it informs immediate care triaging, it is not a replacement for or an alternative to the interRAI ChYMH assessment and its associated Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs).The interRAI suite of assessment instruments comprise an integrated health and social service information system that can be used to assess, respond to, and monitor the strengths, preferences, and needs of vulnerable populations. The interRAI ChYMH Assessment System is specifically designed for children and youth with mental health concerns receiving services in in-patient or community-based mental health programs.This book contains introductory material, an item-by-item guide to completing the assessment form, and the assessment form itself. The Simplified Chinese Edition has been customized for mainland China, and the Simplified Chinese language used in this publication is native to mainland China.
