Polyvictimization and Impairments in Functioning for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

TitlePolyvictimization and Impairments in Functioning for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsStewart SL, Withers A, Semovski V, Lapshina N
JournalJournal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Date PublishedNov 22
ISBN Number1931-5864
Accession NumberWOS:001104417200001
Keywordsabilities, behaviors, childhood experiences, Children and youth, exposure, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, gender, impact, impairments in functioning, InterRAI, life-span, polyvictimization, stress, trajectories, victimization

IntroductionChildren with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with cognitive, emotional, and learning impairments have an increased likelihood of experiencing behavioral and socio-emotional difficulties and historical trauma.MethodsUsing the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health instrument, this study examined associations between FASD, polyvictimization, daily cognitive decision-making, family functioning, and externalizing problems in 18,701 children and youth from 4 to 18 years of age (Mage = 12.33, SDage = 3.53).ResultsChildren with FASD, compared to children without FASD, were at an increased risk of being polyvictimized, were more likely to endorse greater difficulties with daily cognitive decision-making and family dysfunction, and scored higher on proactive and reactive aggression.ConclusionThe findings highlight the increased risk of individual and familial difficulties in children diagnosed with FASD. The limitations and clinical implications are discussed to inform further research and assist in the development of trauma-informed clinical interventions.

Short TitleJ Ment Health Res InJ Ment Health Res In
Alternate JournalJ Ment Health Res In