Measuring the Quality of Dying and Quality of Care When Dying in Long-Term Care Settings: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Available Instruments

TitleMeasuring the Quality of Dying and Quality of Care When Dying in Long-Term Care Settings: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Available Instruments
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
Authorsvan Soest-Poortvliet MC, van der Steen JT, Zimmerman S, Cohen LW, Munn J, Achterberg WP, Ribbe MW, de Vet HCW
JournalJournal of Pain and Symptom Management
ISBN Number0885-3924
Accession NumberWOS:000298342400008
Keywordsassisted living, dementia, end of life, measurement instruments, Nursing Homes, palliative care, quality of care, Quality of dying, residential care