Facility and State Variation in Hip Fracture in U.S. Nursing Home Residents

TitleFacility and State Variation in Hip Fracture in U.S. Nursing Home Residents
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsZullo A.R, Zhang T., Banerjee G., Lee Y., McConeghy K.W, Kiel D.P, Daiello L.A, Mor V., Berry S.D
JournalJ Am Geriatr Soc
Date PublishedMar
ISBN Number0002-8614
Accession Number29336024
KeywordsHealth Services Research, hip fracture, Long-Term Care, Medicare, Nursing Homes

OBJECTIVES: To quantify the variation in hip fracture incidence across U.S. nursing home (NH) facilities and states and examine how hip fracture incidence varies according to facility- and state-level characteristics. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort using linked national Minimum Data Set assessments; Online Survey, Certification and Reporting records; and Medicare claims. SETTING: U.S. NHs with 100 or more beds. PARTICIPANTS: Long-stay NH residents between May 1, 2007, and April 30, 2008, from 1,481 facilities and 46 U.S. states (N = 201,892). MEASUREMENTS: Incident hip fractures were ascertained using Medicare Part A diagnostic codes. Each resident was followed for up to 2 years. RESULTS: The mean adjusted incidence rate of hip fractures for all facilities was 3.13 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.01-3.26) per 100 person-years (range 1.20, 95% CI = 1.15-1.26 to 6.40, 95% CI = 6.07-6.77). Facilities with the highest rates of hip fracture had greater percentages of residents taking psychoactive medications (top tertile 27.2%, bottom tertile 24.8%), and fewer nursing (top tertile 3.43, bottom tertile 3.53) and direct care (top tertile 3.22, bottom tertile 3.29) hours per day per resident. The combination of state and facility characteristics explained 6.7% of the variation in hip fracture, and resident characteristics explained 7.6%. CONCLUSION: Much of the variation in hip fracture incidence remained unexplained, although these findings indicate that potentially modifiable state and facility characteristics such as psychoactive drug prescribing and minimum staffing requirements could be addressed to help reduce the rate of hip fracture in U.S. NHs.





Short TitleJ Am Geriatr SocJournal of the American Geriatrics Society
Alternate JournalJournal of the American Geriatrics Society