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Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2022.  interRAI Home Care (HC) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. Version 9.1.4, Canadian English Edition. :144.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2022.  interRAI Home Care Schweiz (interRAI HCSchweiz) Bedarfsabklärungsinstrument und Handbuch, Version 9.4.3, Deutschsprachige Ausgabe für die Schweiz. :136.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2022.  interRAI Home Care Suisse (interRAI HCSuisse) Instrument d’évaluation et manuel, Version 9.4.3, Edition française pour la Suisse. :132.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2022.  interRAI Home Care Svizzera (interRAI HCSvizzera) strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo, Versione 9.4.3, Edizione italiana per la Svizzera. :132.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2022.  interRAI Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) Assessment Form and User's Manual, Canadian Edition, 9.1.4. :152.
Lynch-Godrei A, Doherty M, Vadeboncoeur C.  2022.  interRAI Pediatric Home Care (PEDS-HC) Assessment Tool: Evaluating Ontario Healthcare Workers' Experience. Health services insights. 15:1-3.
Van Doren S, De Coninck D, Hermans K, Declercq A.  2022.  Interrater reliability of the BelRAI Social Supplement in Flanders, Belgium: Simultaneous rating of community-dwelling adults with care needs during COVID-19. Frontiers in psychology. 13
Theall L, Ninan A, Arbeau K, Mannone J, Stewart SL.  2022.  Interrupting the Cycle: Association of Parental Stress and Child/Youth Psychotropic Medication Nonadherence. Child psychiatry and human development.
Klassen JA, Stewart SL.  2022.  Investigating health adversity and school engagement among clinically referred children and youth using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment. Children and Youth Services Review. 136:106419.
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Semovski V., King C.B, Stewart S.L.  2022.  Mental Health Service Urgency in Children's Mental Health: Factors Impacting the Need for Expedited Services. Child psychiatry and human development. 53(4):765-775.
Hirdes JP, Morris JN, Perlman CM, Saari M, Betini GS, Franco-Martin MA, van Hout H, Stewart SL, Ferris J.  2022.  Mood Disturbances Across the Continuum of Care Based on Self-Report and Clinician Rated Measures in the interRAI Suite of Assessment Instruments. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13
Vetrano D.L, Damiano C., Tazzeo C., Zucchelli A., Marengoni A., Luo H., Zazzara M.B, van Hout H., Onder G..  2022.  Multimorbidity Patterns and 5-Year Mortality in Institutionalized Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(8):1389-1395.e4.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Beach C., Buzath E., Cohen J., Declercq A., Fisher K., Fries B.E, Goodridge D., Hermans K. et al..  2022.  A multi-stage process to develop quality indicators for community-based palliative care using interRAI data. PLoS One. 17(4):e0266569.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Campos J., Mick P., Orange J.B, Pichora-Fuller M.K, Savundranayagam M.Y, Wittich W., Phillips N.A.  2022.  A Newly Identified Impairment in Both Vision and Hearing Increases the Risk of Deterioration in Both Communication and Cognitive Performance. Canadian journal on aging: La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 41(3):363-376.
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Iduye S., Risling T., McKibbon S., Iduye D..  2022.  Optimizing the InterRAI Assessment Tool in Care Planning Processes for Long-Term Residents: A Scoping Review. Clinical nursing research. 31(1):5-19.
Adekpedjou R., Heckman G.A, Hebert P.C, Costa A.P, Hirdes J..  2022.  Outcomes of advance care directives after admission to a long-term care home: DNR the DNH? BMC geriatrics. 22(1):22.
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King GKC, Van Dyke JN, Poss JW, Stewart SL.  2022.  Predicting Service Urgency in Children and Youth with ASD: The Development of an Algorithm. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 61(10, Supplement):S237.
Cheung G., Chai Y., Troya M.I, Luo H..  2022.  Predictive factors of nonfatal self-harm among community-dwelling older adults assessed for support services. International Psychogeriatrics. 34(9):813-826.
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Egbujie B.A, Northwood M., Turcotte L.A, McArthur C., Berg K., Heckman G.A, Wagg A.S, Hirdes J.P.  2022.  Predictors of improvement in urinary incontinence in the postacute setting: A Canadian cohort study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 41(8):1749-1763.
Papadopoulos A, Nichols ES, Mohsenzadeh Y, Giroux I, Mottola MF, Van Lieshout RJ, Duerden EG.  2022.  Prenatal and postpartum maternal mental health and neonatal motor outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of affective disorders reports. 10