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Apelt G., Ellert S., Kuhlmey A., Garms-Homolova V..  2012.  [Temporal and structural differences in the care of obese and non-obese people in nursing homes]. Pflege. 25(4):271-83.
Dosa D., Hyer K., Thomas K., Swaminathan S., Feng Z., Brown L., Mor V..  2012.  To evacuate or shelter in place: implications of universal hurricane evacuation policies on nursing home residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 13(2):190.e1-7.
Wellens NIH, Flamaing J., Moons P., Deschodt M., Boonen S., Milisen K..  2012.  Translation and adaption of the interRAI suite to local requirements in Belgian hospitals. BMC Geriatr. 12:53.
Glenny C., Stolee P., Thompson M., Husted J., Berg K..  2012.  Underestimating physical function gains: comparing FIM motor subscale and interRAI post acute care activities of daily living scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 93(6):1000-8.
Cherubini A., Ruggiero C., Dell'Aquila G., Eusebi P., Gasperini B., Zengarini E., Cerenzia A., Zuliani G., Guaita A., Lattanzio F..  2012.  Underrecognition and Undertreatment of Dementia in Italian Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13(8)
Martin L., Rabinowitz T., Montague P..  2012.  Urinary incontinence in inpatient psychiatry: prevalence, change and relationship to length of stay. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 21(15-16):2219-2227.
Seinela L.K, Virtanen A., Ripsaluoma J..  2012.  Use of cholinesterase inhibitors plus memantine in long-term care: A Resident Assessment Instrument study. Annals of Long Term Care. 20(8):20-26.
Sales A.E, Bostrom A.M, Bucknall T., Draper K., Fraser K., Schalm C., Warren S..  2012.  The use of data for process and quality improvement in long term care and home care: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13(2):103-113.
Albers G., Harding R., Pasman H.RW, Onwuteaka-Philipsen B.D, Hall S., Toscani F., Ribbe M.W, Deliens L..  2012.  What is the methodological rigour of palliative care research in long-term care facilities in Europe? A systematic review Palliative Medicine. 26(5):722-733.
Yoo I-Y.  2011.  Analysis of multi-variate recurrent fall risk factors in elderly people using residential assessment instrument-home care-comparisons between single and recurrent fallers. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 41(1):119-128.
Hirdes JP, Mitchell L, Maxwell CJ, White N.  2011.  Beyond the 'iron lungs of gerontology': using evidence to shape the future of nursing homes in Canada. Canadian journal on aging / La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 30(3):371-90.
Sorbye L.W.  2011.  Cancer in home care: unintended weight loss and ethical challenges. A cross-sectional study of older people at 11 sites in Europe. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 53(1):64-9.
Foebel AD, Heckman GA, Hirdes JP, Tyas SL, Tjam EY, McKelvie RS, Maxwell CJ.  2011.  Clinical, demographic and functional characteristics associated with pharmacotherapy for heart failure in older home care clients: a retrospective, population-level, cross-sectional study. Drugs & aging. 28(7):561-573.
Meerman MBoorsma, van Hout HPJ, Frijters DHM, Ribbe MW, Nijpels G.  2011.  The cost effectiveness of a multidisciplinary care model for elderly living in Dutch residential care homes, design of a cluster randomized trial. NEW IN OLD. :55.
Wellens N, Flamaing J, Hanon T, Tournoy J, Moons P, Boonen S, Milisen K.  2011.  Could the Mini-Mental State Examination be replaced by the Cognitive Performance Scale of the interRAI Acute Care? Winter-meeting, Date: 2011/01/25-2011/01/26, Location: Oostende, Belgium.
Martin L, Cobigo V.  2011.  Definitions Matter in Understanding Social Inclusion. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 8(4):276-282.
Chang P, Hsu C-L, Liou YMei, Kuo Y-Y, Lan C-F.  2011.  Design and development of interface design principles for complex documentation using PDAs. Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN. 29(3):174-83.
Maxwell CJ, Gilbart E, Wanless D, Strain LA.  2011.  Designated assisted living (DAL) and long-term care (LTC) in Alberta: Selected highlights from the Alberta Continuing Care Epidemiological Studies (ACCES). Alberta Continuing Care Epidemiological Studies (ACCES).
Cai S, Feng Z, Fennell ML, Mor V.  2011.  Despite Small Improvement, Black Nursing Home Residents Remain Less Likely Than Whites To Receive Flu Vaccine. Health affairs (Project Hope). 30(10):10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0029.
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Boorsma M, Frijters DHM, Knol DL, Ribbe ME, Nijpels G, van Hout HPJ.  2011.  Effects of multidisciplinary integrated care on quality of care in residential care facilities for elderly people: a cluster randomized trial. Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Vesentini L, van Eenoo L, Vanneste D, Declercq A, J Mello DAlmeida.  2011.  Elderly care: The interRAI-instruments in Belgium-Feasibility to use BelRAI across settings (home care, nursing home care and acute hospital care). International Psychogeriatrics. 23(1):162.
Brink P., Partanen L..  2011.  Emergency department use among end-of-life home care clients. Journal of palliative care. 27(3):224-8.
Gozalo P, Teno JM, Mitchell SL, Skinner J, Bynum J, Tyler D, Mor V.  2011.  End-of-Life Transitions among Nursing Home Residents with Cognitive Issues. The New England journal of medicine. 365(13):1212-1221.
Wellens NIH, Deschodt M, Flamaing J, Moons P, Boonen S, Boman X, Gosset C, Petermans J, Milisen K.  2011.  First-generation versus third-generation comprehensive geriatric assessment instruments in the acute hospital setting: a comparison of the Minimum Geriatric Screening Tools (MGST) and the interRAI Acute Care (interRAI AC). The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 15(8):638-44.