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Thomas K.S, Dosa D., Wysocki A., Mor V..  2015.  The Minimum Data Set 3.0 Cognitive Function Scale. Med Care.
Kidder D., Rennison M., Goldberg H., Warner D., Bell B., Hadden L., Morris J., Jones R., Mor V..  2002.  MegQI Covariate Analysis and Recommendations: Identification and Evaluation of Existing Quality Indicators that are Appropriate for Use in Long-Term Care Settings..
Aschbrenner K.A, Cai S., Grabowski D.C, Bartels S.J, Mor V..  2011.  Medical comorbidity and functional status among adults with major mental illness newly admitted to nursing homes. Psychiatr Serv. 62(9):1098-100.
Feng Z., Grabowski D.C, Intrator O., Zinn J., Mor V..  2008.  Medicaid payment rates, case-mix reimbursement, and nursing home staffing--1996-2004. Medical Care. 46(1):33-40.
Grabowski D.C, Zhanlian F, Mor V..  2008.  Medicaid nursing home payment and the role of provider taxes. Med Care Res Rev. 65(4):514-27.
Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Landi F., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2000.  Measuring health outcomes for older people using the sage database. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):67-86.
Hawes C., Phillips C.D, Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N.  1992.  MDS data should be used for research.[comment]. Gerontologist. 32(4):563-4.
Morris J.N, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R, Hawes C., Phillips C., Mor V., Lipsitz L.A.  1994.  MDS Cognitive Performance Scale. Journal of Gerontology. 49(4):M174-82.
Bernabei R., Gambassi G., Lapane K., Landi F., Gatsonis C., Dunlop R., Lipsitz L., Steel K., Mor V..  1998.  Management of pain in elderly patients with cancer. SAGE Study Group. Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology. Jama. 279(23):1877-82.
Gambassi G., Forman D.E, Lapane K.L, Mor V., Sgadari A., Lipsitz L.A, Bernabei R..  2000.  Management of heart failure among very old persons living in long-term care: has the voice of trials spread? The SAGE Study Group Am Heart J. 139(1 Pt 1):85-93.
Schroll M., Jonsson P.V, Mor V., Berg K., Sherwood S..  1997.  An international study of social engagement among nursing home residents. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):55-9.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments. Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante. 12(4):30-40.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(4):30-40.
Mor V..  2005.  Improving the quality of long-term care with better information. Milbank Q. 83(3):333-364.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1999.  Impact of the type and severity of dementia on hospitalization and survival of the elderly. The SAGE Study Group. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 10(2):121-9.
Ikegami N., Igarashi C, Takagi Y., Kato T, Mor V..  1997.  The impact of the Minimum Data Set and Resident Assessment Instrument on the quality of care plans in Japan.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 14(3):23-28.
Angelelli J, Gifford D., Intrator O., Gozalo P, Laliberte L., Mor V..  2002.  The impact of the BBA on access to post acute nursing home care.. Health Aff (Millwood). 21(5):254-264.
Phillips C.D., Morris J.N., Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E., Murphy K..  1997.  The impact of RAI on ADLs, continence, communication, cognition and psychosocial status.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):986-993.
Banaszak-Holl J., Zinn J.S, Mor V..  1996.  The impact of market and organizational characteristics on nursing care facility service innovation: a resource dependency perspective. Health Serv Res. 31(1):97-117.
Hughes C.M, Lapane K.L, Mor V., Ikegami N., Jonsson P.V, Ljunggren G., Sgadari A..  2000.  The impact of legislation on psychotropic drug use in nursing homes: a cross-national perspective. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 48(8):931-7.
Hughes C.M, Lapane K.L, Mor V..  1999.  Impact of legislation on nursing home care in the United States: lessons for the United Kingdom. BMJ. 319(7216):1060-2.