Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]

TitleIntegrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsHirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G., Smith T., Marhaba M., Pérez E., Jonsson P.
JournalHealthcare Management Forum
Date PublishedWinter
Accession Number10788069
Keywords*Delivery of Health Care, Integrated/og [Organization & Administration], *Information Systems/og [Organization & Administration], Canada, Quality Indicators, Health Care, Reproducibility of Results, Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

There is a growing need for an integrated health information system to be used in community, institutional and hospital based settings. For example, changes in the structure, process and venues of service delivery mean that individuals with similar needs may be cared for in a variety of different settings. Moreover, as people make transitions from one sector of the healthcare system to another, there is a need for comparable information to ensure continuity of care and reduced assessment burden. The RAI/MDS series of assessment instruments comprise an integrated health information system because they have consistent terminology, common core items, and a common conceptual basis in a clinical approach that emphasizes the identification of functional problems.


Short TitleHealthcare management forumHealthc Manage Forum
Alternate JournalHealthc Manage Forum