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Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(4):30-40.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments. Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante. 12(4):30-40.
Hirdes J.P, Marhaba M., Smith T.F, Clyburn L., Mitchell L., Lemick R.A, Telegdi N.C, Pérez E., Prendergast P., Rabinowitz T. et al..  2000.  Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument - Mental Health (RAI-MH).. Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.
Hirdes J.P, Marhaba M., Smith T.F, Clyburn L., Mitchell L., Lemick R.A, Telegdi N.C, Pérez E., Prendergast P., Rabinowitz T. et al..  2000.  Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument--Mental Health (RAI-MH). Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.
Hirdes JP, Smith TF, Rabinowitz T, Yamauchi K, Pérez E., Telegdi NCurtain, Prendergast P., Morris JN, Ikegami N, Phillips CD et al..  2002.  The Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health (RAI-MH): inter-rater reliability and convergent validity. J Behav Health Serv Res. 29(4):419-32.
Hirdes J.P, Smith T.F, Rabinowitz T., Yamauchi K., Pérez E., Telegdi N.C, Prendergast P., Morris J.N, Ikegami N., Phillips C.D et al..  2003.  The resident assessment instrument-mental health (RAI-MH): Inter-rater reliability and convergent validity. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 29(4):419-432.