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Hermans K, Spruytte N, Cohen J, Van Audenhove C, Declercq A.  2016.  Usefulness, feasibility and face validity of the interRAI Palliative Care instrument according to care professionals in nursing homes: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 62:90-9.
Hermans K., Spruytte N., Cohen J., Van Audenhove C., Declercq A..  2014.  Informed palliative care in nursing homes through the interRAI Palliative Care instrument: a study protocol based on the Medical Research Council framework. BMC Geriatr. 14
Hermans K, Mello Jde Almeida, Spruytte N, Cohen J, Van Audenhove C, Declercq A.  2018.  Does using the interRAI Palliative Care instrument reduce the needs and symptoms of nursing home residents receiving palliative care? Palliative & supportive care. 16(1):32-40.
Herr KA, Mobily PR.  1993.  Comparison of selected pain assessment tools for use with the elderly. Applied Nursing Research. 6(1):39-46.
Herrador Z, Daschner Á, Perteguer MJesús, Benito A.  2018.  Epidemiological Scenario of Anisakidosis in Spain Based on Associated Hospitalizations: The Tip of the Iceberg. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 69(1):69-76.
Herring MGrace, Martin L, Kristman VL.  2021.  Brief Report: Characteristics and Needs of Persons Admitted to an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital With Workers' Compensation Coverage. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12
Heyer M, Boscart VM, Ploeg J, Butt M, Kaasalainen S, Costa A.  2023.  The impact of Neighbourhood Team Development on resident quality of life in long-term care. Ageing & Society. 43(12):2983-2993.
Hikaka J, Abey-Nesbit R, McIntosh B, Schluter PJ, Nishtala PS, Scrase R, Jamieson HA.  2023.  Utility of Big Data to Explore Medication Adherence in Māori and Non-Māori Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Heart Failure in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Cross-sectional Study. Drugs & Aging. 40(9):847-855.
Hikaka J., Wu Z., Bloomfield K., Connolly M.J, Boyd M., Bramley D..  2022.  Referral for publicly funded aged care services in Indigenous populations: An exploratory cohort study of ethnic variation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australasian journal on ageing. 41(3):473-478.
Hines L..  2001.  Response to "Pain in U.S. nursing homes: validating a pain scale for the Minimum Data Set". Gerontologist. 41(4):553.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2019.  interRAI protocolli per la valutazione clinica della salute mentale (CAP): Per l’uso con gli strumenti di valutazione della salute mentale utilizzati in comunità e strutture ospedaliere, Edizione italiana per la Svizzera,9.1.1. :224.
Hirdes JP, Ljunggren G, Morris JN, Frijters DHM, Soveri HFinne, Gray L, Björkgren M, Gilgen R.  2008.  Reliability of the interRAI suite of assessment instruments: a 12-country study of an integrated health information system. BMC Health Services Research. 8:277.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Schweiz (interRAI CMHSchweiz) Bedarfsabklärungsinstrument und Handbuch, Deutschsprachige Ausgabe für die Schweiz. :166.
Hirdes JP, Mitchell L, Maxwell CJ, White N.  2011.  Beyond the 'iron lungs of gerontology': using evidence to shape the future of nursing homes in Canada. Canadian journal on aging / La revue canadienne du vieillissement. 30(3):371-90.
Hirdes J..  2000.  Long-term care in the information age: the potential of the MDS.. Stride. (February/May):14-17.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Ikegami N., Zimmerman D., Dalby D.M, Aliaga P., Hammer S., Jones R..  2004.  Home care quality indicators (HCQIs) based on the MDS-HC. Gerontologist. 44(5):665-679.
Hirdes JP, Riddell M, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2001.  Exchanging MDS Data Across Sectors of the Health Care System: Clinical Considerations. Senior Care Canada. (May/June):10-14.
Hirdes J.P.  1999.  Quality control in nursing homes.[comment]. CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal. 161(2):127.
Hirdes J.P, Hallman K.G.  1996.  Smoking status of chronic hospital patients: implications for health promotion programs. Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 87(5):317-8.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2011.  interRAI Mental Health Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) for Use with Community and Hospital-Based Mental Health Assessment Instruments. :214.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Poss JW, Gray L, Berg K, Stolee P, Costa AP, Morris JM, Björkgren M, Declercq A et al..  2018.  interRAI kontakthindamine (KH) hindamisvorm ja käsiraamat: skriinimisvahend kogukonnas/haiglas, Eestikeelne väljaanne. :72.
Hirdes J.P, Marhaba M., Smith T.F, Clyburn L., Mitchell L., Lemick R.A, Telegdi N.C, Pérez E., Prendergast P., Rabinowitz T. et al..  2000.  Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument--Mental Health (RAI-MH). Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.
Hirdes JP, Dalby DM, R. Steel K, G. Carpenter I, Bernabei R, Morris JN, Fries BE.  2006.  Predictors of influenza immunization among home care clients in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(4):335-9.
Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2008.  The Method for Assigning Priority Levels (MAPLe): A new decision-support system for allocating home care resources.(Technical advance). BMC Medicine. 6(9):9.
Hirdes J., Gray L., Costa A., Berg K., Doran D., Tjam E..  2011.  Use of the interRAI Emergency Department Screener to Support the Management of Older Persons in the Emergency Department. Age Ageing.