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Journal Article
Hermans K, Spruytte N, Cohen J, Van Audenhove C, Declercq A.  2016.  Usefulness, feasibility and face validity of the interRAI Palliative Care instrument according to care professionals in nursing homes: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 62:90-9.
Van Doren S, Hermans K, Declercq A.  2021.  Towards a standardized approach of assessing social context of persons receiving home care in Flanders, Belgium: the development and test of a social supplement to the interRAI instruments. BMC Health Services Research. 21(1):1-14.
Williams N, Hermans K, Stevens T, Hirdes JP, Declercq A, Cohen J, Guthrie DM.  2021.  Prognosis does not change the landscape: Palliative home care clients experience high rates of pain and nausea, regardless of prognosis. BMC Palliative Care. 20(165)
Van Doren S, De Coninck D, Hermans K, Declercq A.  2022.  Interrater reliability of the BelRAI Social Supplement in Flanders, Belgium: Simultaneous rating of community-dwelling adults with care needs during COVID-19. Frontiers in psychology. 13
Williams N, Hermans K, Cohen J, Declercq A, Jakda A, Downar J, Guthrie DM, Hirdes JP.  2022.  The interRAI CHESS scale is comparable to the palliative performance scale in predicting 90-day mortality in a palliative home care population. BMC Palliative Care. 21(1):174.
Mello Jde Almeida, Wellens NIH, Hermans K, de Stampa M, Cerase V, Vereker N, Jónsson PV, Finne-Soveri H, Meehan B, Declercq A.  2023.  The Implementation of Integrated Health Information Systems – Research Studies from 7 Countries Involving the InterRAI Assessment System. International Journal of Integrated Care. 23(1)
Mello Jde Almeida, Wellens NIH, Hermans K, de Stampa M, Cerase V, Vereker N, Jonsson PV, Finne-Soveri H, Meehan B, Declercq A.  2023.  The Implementation of Integrated Health Information Systems - Research Studies from 7 Countries Involving the InterRAI Assessment System. Int J Integr Care. 23(1):8.
Mello Jde Almeida, Hermans K, Van Audenhove C, Macq J, Declercq A.  2015.  Evaluations of home care interventions for frail older persons using the interRAI Home Care instrument: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(2):173.e1-10.
Hermans K, Mello Jde Almeida, Spruytte N, Cohen J, Van Audenhove C, Declercq A.  2018.  Does using the interRAI Palliative Care instrument reduce the needs and symptoms of nursing home residents receiving palliative care? Palliative & supportive care. 16(1):32-40.