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Challa S., Sharkey J.R, Chen M., Phillips C.D.  2007.  Association of resident, facility, and geographic characteristics with chronic undernutrition in a nationally represented sample of older residents in U.S. nursing homes. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 11(2):179-84.
Thomas R, Worrall G, Elgar F, Knight J.  2007.  Can they keep going on their own? A four-year randomized trial of functional assessments of community residents Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 26(4):379-389.
Achterberg WP, Scherder E., Pot A.M, Ribbe M.W.  2007.  Cardiovascular risk factors in cognitively impaired nursing home patients: a relationship with pain? European Journal of Pain: Ejp. 11(6):707-10.
Onder G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Carpenter I., Steel K., Bernabei R., Landi F..  2007.  Case management and risk of nursing home admission for older adults in home care: results of the AgeD in HOme Care Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(3):439-44.
Onder G, Liperoti R, Soldato M, Cipriani MCamilla, Bernabei R, Landi F.  2007.  Chewing problems and mortality in older adults in home care: results from the Aged in Home Care study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(12):1961-6.
Vaal J., Gussekloo J., de Klerk M.M, Frijters D.H, Evenhuis H.M, van Beek A.P, van Nispen R.M, Smits C., Deeg D.J.  2007.  [Combined vision and hearing impairment: in an estimated 30,000-35,000 people aged 55 years or over in The Netherlands].. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 151(26):1459-63.
Paquay L., De Lepeleire J., Schoenmakers B., Ylieff M., Fontaine O., Buntinx F..  2007.  Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of the Cognitive Performance Scale (Minimum Data Set) and the Mini-Mental State Exam for the detection of cognitive impairment in nursing home residents. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 22(4):286-93.
Liperoti R., Onder G., Lapane K.L, Mor V., Friedman J.H, Bernabei R., Gambassi G..  2007.  Conventional or atypical antipsychotics and the risk of femur fracture among elderly patients: results of a case-control study. J Clin Psychiatry. 68(6):929-34.
Ogioni L, Liperoti R, Landi F, Soldato M, Bernabei R, Onder G.  2007.  Cross-sectional association between behavioral symptoms and potential elder abuse among subjects in home care in Italy: results from the Silvernet Study. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. 15(1):70-8.
Mitchell S.L, Teno J.M, Intrator O., Feng Z., Mor V..  2007.  Decisions to forgo hospitalization in advanced dementia: a nationwide study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(3):432-8.
Onder G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Cipriani M.C, Bernabei R., Landi F..  2007.  Depression and risk of nursing home admission among older adults in home care in Europe: results from the Aged in Home Care (AdHOC) study. J Clin Psychiatry. 68(9):1392-8.
Phillips C.D, Shen R., Chen M., Sherman M..  2007.  Evaluating nursing home performance indicators: an illustration exploring the impact of facilities on ADL change. Gerontologist. 47(5):683-9.
Vik SA, Jantzi M, Poss J, Hirdes J, Hanley DA, Hogan DB, Maxwell CJ.  2007.  Factors Associated With Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoporosis in an Older Home Care Population. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 62(8):872-878.
Sorbye L.W, Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Jonnson P.V, Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Bernabei R., Ad H.OCProj.  2007.  Home care needs of extremely obese elderly European women. Menopause International. 13(2):84-7.
Intrator O., Grabowski D.C, Zinn J., Schleinitz M., Feng Z., Miller S., Mor V..  2007.  Hospitalization of nursing home residents: the effects of states' Medicaid payment and bed-hold policies. Health Serv Res. 42(4):1651-71.
Gruneir A., Miller S.C, Intrator O., Mor V..  2007.  Hospitalization of nursing home residents with cognitive impairments: the influence of organizational features and state policies. Gerontologist. 47(4):447-56.
Soldato M., Liperoti R., Landi F., Finne-Soveri H., Carpenter I., Fialova D., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2007.  Non malignant daily pain and risk of disability among older adults in home care in Europe. Pain. 129(3):304-10.
Zyczkowska J., Szczerbinska K., Jantzi M.R, Hirdes J.P.  2007.  Pain among the oldest old in community and institutional settings. Pain. 129(1-2):167-76.
Landi F., Russo A., Barillaro C., Cesari M., Pahor M., Danese P., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2007.  Physical activity and risk of cognitive impairment among older persons living in the community. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 19(5):410-6.
Landi F., Onder G., Carpenter I., Cesari M., Soldato M., Bernabei R..  2007.  Physical activity prevented functional decline among frail community-living elderly subjects in an international observational study. J Clin Epidemiol. 60(5):518-24.
James M.L, Wiley E., Fries B.E.  2007.  Predicting nursing facility transition candidates using AID: a case study. Gerontologist. 47(5):625-32.
van der Steen J.T, Mitchell S.L, Frijters D.H, Kruse R.L, Ribbe M.W.  2007.  Prediction of 6-month mortality in nursing home residents with advanced dementia: validity of a risk score. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 8(7):464-8.