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Gray L., Bernabei R., Berg K., Finne-Soveri H., Fries B.E, Hirdes J.P, Jonsson P., Morris J., Steel K., Arino-Blasco S..  2008.  Standardising assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. J Am Geriatr Soc. 56(3):536-41.
Carpenter I., Ram MB, Williams JG.  2009.  Standardising medical records: improving patient care and informing the evidence base. Clinical Evidence.
Steel K., Whang P..  2000.  Standardized comprehensive assessment for end-of-life and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 19(5):324-5.
Gray LC, Bernabei R, Berg K, Finne‐Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jonsson PV, Morris JN, Steel K, Ariño‐Blasco S.  2008.  Standardizing assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(3):536-41.
Kerttula A.M, Lyytikainen O., Virolainen A., Finne-Soveri H., Agthe N., Vuopio-Varkila J..  2007.  Staphylococcus aureus colonization among nursing home residents in a large Finnish nursing home. Scand J Infect Dis. 39(11):996-1001.
Ahronheim J.C, Mulvihill M., Sieger C., Park P., Fries B.E.  2001.  State practice variations in the use of tube feeding for nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(2):148-52.
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Hirdes J.P, Brown K.S.  1994.  The statistical analysis of event histories in longitudinal studies of aging. Canadian Journal on Aging. 13(3):332-352.
Juckett LA, Oliver HV, Hariharan G, Bunck LE, Devier AL.  2023.  Strategies for implementing the interRAI home care frailty scale with home-delivered meal clients. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1022735.
Morris JN, Howard EP, Steel K, Berg K, Tchalla A, Munankarmi A, David D.  2016.  Strategies to reduce the risk of falling: Cohort study analysis with 1-year follow-up in community dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 16(1):92.
Gilbart E.E, Hirdes J.P.  2000.  Stress, social engagement and psychological well-being in institutional settings: Evidence based on the minimum data set 2.0. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):50-66.
Kumlien S., Axelsson K., Ljunggren G., Winblad B..  1999.  Stroke patients ready for discharge from acute care - A multi-dimensional assessment of functions and further care. Disability and Rehabilitation. 21(1):31-38.
Kumlien S, Ljunggren G., Axelsson K, Winblad B..  1999.  Stroke patients ready for discharge from acute care: multidimensional function and further care.. Disability and Rehabilitation. 21(1):31-38.
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Becker C., Walter-Jung B., Scapan K., Kron M., Nikolaus T..  1997.  Study design of a multifactorial intervention trial to reduce proximal femoral fractures in institutionalized elderly. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 30(4):293-297.
Matsumoto T., Tomita K., Hannah R.S.  1999.  Study of data input methods for web database to make care plans of senior citizens. Japan Journal of Medical Informatics. 19(2):141-146.
Burfield A.H, Wan T.TH, Sole M.L, Cooper J.W.  2012.  A study of longitudinal data examining concomitance of pain and cognition in an elderly long-term care population. Journal of Pain Research. 5(pp 61-70)
Sun L, Semovski V, Stewart SL.  2021.  A Study of Risk Factors Predicting School Disruption in Children and Youth Living in Ontario. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 36(3):191-205.
Kang CKyu, Lee MSik, Kim UYoung, Park JHo, Yun JSun.  2008.  A Study on Assessment of CAPs (Client Assessment Protocols) using MDS-HC 2.0 on City Elderly. Korean Journal of Family Medicine. 29(12):915-924.
KUANG Y, CHENG L, KUANG Y, XIA Z.  2023.  Study on home care needs and care resource integration expectations of elderly patients after hip fracture surgery: a mixed-method study. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing. 36:1972-1978.
Hirdes JP, Major J, Didic S, Quinn C, Sinclair C, Bucek J, Samis S, Jantzi M, Chen J, Curtin-Telegdi N et al..  2019.  Study Protocol and Baseline Comparisons for a Pan-Canadian Initiative to Reduce Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care Homes. SAGE Open. 9(1):2158244019835942.
Aderibigbe OOlanike, Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, Perlman C.  2022.  Substance Use among Youth in Community and Residential Mental Health Care Facilities in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(3):1731.
Van Eenoo L., Declercq A., Onder G., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P.V, Dix O.H, Smit J.H, van Hout H.P, van der Roest H.G.  2016.  Substantial between-country differences in organising community care for older people in Europe-a review. Eur J Public Health. 26(2):213-9.