
Export 2197 results:
Xie H, Liu Y, PEI X.  2019.  Application of interRAI in gerontology and geriatrics. Chinese Nursing Management. 19(2):165-167.
Zhang T, Jambhekar B, Kumar A, Rizvi SA, Resnik L, Shireman TI.  2019.  Assessing the effects of post-acute rehabilitation services on health care outcomes for people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 30:277-283.
Hass Z, Woodhouse M, Grabowski DC, Arling G.  2019.  Assessing the impact of Minnesota's return to community initiative for newly admitted nursing home residents. Health Services Research. 54(3):555-563.
Waterloo Uof.  2019.  Assessments could reduce end-of-life hospital stays for seniors.
McGarry BE, Joyce NR, McGuire TG, Mitchell SL, Bartels SJ, Grabowski DC.  2019.  Association between High Proportions of Seriously Mentally Ill Nursing Home Residents and the Quality of Resident Care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 67(11):2346-2352.
Zullo AR, Mogul A, Corsi K, Shah NR, Lee SJ, Rudolph JL, Wu W-C, Dapaah-Afriyie R, Berard-Collins C, Steinman MA.  2019.  Association Between Secondary Prevention Medication Use and Outcomes in Frail Older Adults After Acute Myocardial Infarction. Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes. 12(4):e004942-e004942.
Saxena FE, Bronskill SE, Brown KA, Campitelli MA, Garber G, Langford B, Maxwell CJ, McCormack D, Schwartz KL, Daneman N.  2019.  The Association of Resident Communication Abilities and Antibiotic Use in Long-Term Care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 67(6):1164-1173.
Zhang N., Lu S.F, Zhou Y., Zhang B., Crawford S., Gurwitz J.H.  2019.  Body Mass Index and 30-Day Adverse Outcomes Among Newly Admitted Residents to Skilled Nursing Facilities. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 20(3):312-316.
Continente X, Arechavala T, Fernàndez E, Pérez-Ríos M, Schiaffino A, Soriano JB, Carreras G, López-Nicolás Á, Gorini G, López MJosé.  2019.  Burden of respiratory disease attributable to secondhand smoke exposure at home in children in Spain (2015). Preventive Medicine. 123:34-40.
Kehyayan V, Hirdes JP.  2019.  Care Needs and Health Care Burden of Persons With Epilepsy Receiving Home Care Services. Home Health Care Management & Practice. 31(1):42-50.
Hales C, Amankwaa I, Gray L, Rook H.  2019.  The care of older adults with extreme obesity in nursing homes: A collective case study. medRxiv. :19013326.
Hartmann MLopez, Mello Jde Almeida, Anthierens S, Declercq A, Van Durme T, Cès S, Verhoeven V, Wens J, Macq J, Remmen R.  2019.  Caring for a frail older person: the association between informal caregiver burden and being unsatisfied with support from family and friends. Age and ageing. 48(5):658-664.
Fries BE, James ML, Martin L, Head MJ, Stewart SL, Park PS.  2019.  A Case-Mix System for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Health services insights. 12:1178632919856011-1178632919856011.
Schumacher C, Costa A, McKelvie R, Sinha S.K.  2019.  A Chronic Disease Management Intervention for Home Care Patients with Cardio-Respiratory Symptoms: e DIVERT-CARE Intervention. 28:18-26.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2019.  Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) en Santé Mentale InterRAI Complément Aux Instruments d'évaluation de la Santé Mentale en Milieux Communautaires et Hospitaliers, Edition Française Pour la Suisse. :232.
Gentin M., Marquestaut O, de Stampa M.  2019.  Clinical characteristics, care professionals’ intervention and care complexity for elderly patients in home hospitalization. Santé Publique. 31(2):269-276.
Little J, Hirdes JP, Perlman CM, Meyer SB.  2019.  Clinical Predictors of Delayed Discharges in Inpatient Mental Health Settings Across Ontario. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 46(1):105-114.
Turcotte LA, Perlman CM, Fries BE, Hirdes JP.  2019.  Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.
Hulur G., Wolf H., Riese F., Theill N..  2019.  Cognitive Change at the End of Life in Nursing Home Residents: Differential Trajectories of Terminal Decline. Gerontology. 65(1):57-67.
Davidson K.  2019.  Commentary: Registered Nurses' experiences with, and feelings and attitudes towards, the International Resident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities in New Zealand in 2017. Journal of Research in Nursing. :1744987119890689.
Hermans K, Stevens T, Hirdes J, Declercq A, Cohen J, Guthrie D.  2019.  A comprehensive profile of palliative home care clients in Ontario, based on estimated prognosis: a population-based retrospective cohort study using interRAI Palliative Care data. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Date: 2019/09/19-2019/09/21, Location: Ottowa, Canada.
Mello Jde Almeida, Tran TDung, Krausch-Hofmann S, Meehan B, van Hout H, Turcotte L, van der Roest HG, Garms-Homolova V, Jonsson P, Onder G et al..  2019.  Cross-Country Validation of the Association Between Oral Health and General Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(9):1137-1142.e2.
Ailabouni N, Mangin D, Nishtala PS.  2019.  DEFEAT-polypharmacy: deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative medicines feasibility trial in residential aged care facilities. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 41(1):167-178.
Onder G, Vetrano DL, Villani ER, Carfì A, Monaco MRita Lo, Cipriani MCamilla, Gravina EManes, Denkinger M, Pagano F, van der Roest HG et al..  2019.  Deprescribing in Nursing Home Residents on Polypharmacy: Incidence and Associated Factors. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(9):1116-1120.
Hoben M, Heninger A, Holroyd-Leduc J, Knopp-Sihota J, Estabrooks C, Goodarzi Z.  2019.  Depressive symptoms in long term care facilities in Western Canada: a cross sectional study. BMC geriatrics. 19(1):335-335.