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Topinkova E., Neuwirth J., Peliskova D, Bruna J.  1999.  Safe hospital discharge for elderly patients. Lessons from the Czech Republic.. International COHEHRE Conference.
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Landi F., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Gifford D., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1998.  Comorbidity and drug use in cognitively impaired elderly living in long-term care. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 9(6):347-56.
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Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Bernabei R..  1998.  Elderly patients, use of antidepressants, and hip fracture. Lancet. 352(9125):400;authorreply401-2.
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