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Becker C., Eichner B., Lindemann B., Sturm E., Rissmann U., Kron M., Nikolaus T..  2003.  [Abilities and restrictions of nursing home residents. Evaluation with the Minimum Data Set of the Resident Assessment Instrument]. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 36(4):260-5.
Paddock K., Hirdes J.P.  2003.  Acute health care service use among elderly home care clients. Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 22(1):75-85.
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Buchanan J.L, Andres P.L, Haley S.M, Paddock S.M, Zaslavsky A.M.  2003.  An assessment tool translation study. Health care financing review. 24(3):45-60.
Mor V, Angelelli J, Gifford D, Morris J, Moore T.  2003.  Benchmarking and quality in residential and nursing homes: lessons from the US. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 18(3):258-266.
Iezzoni L.I, Greenberg M.S.  2003.  Capturing and classifying functional status information in administrative databases. Health Care Financ Rev. 24:61-76.
Mitchell SL, Teno JM, Roy J, Kabumoto G, Mor V.  2003.  Clinical and organizational factors associated with feeding tube use among nursing home residents with advanced cognitive impairment. Jama. 290(1):73-80.
Rabinowitz T., Murphy K.M, Nagle K.J, Bodor C.I, Kennedy S.M, Hirdes J.P.  2003.  Delirium: pathophysiology, recognition, prevention and treatment. Expert Rev Neurother. 3(3):343-55.
Marcantonio E.R, Simon S.E, Bergmann M.A, Jones R.N, Murphy K.M, Morris J.N.  2003.  Delirium symptoms in post-acute care: prevalent, persistent, and associated with poor functional recovery. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 51(1):4-9.
Kuck VJoachim, Garms-Homolova V.  2003.  Der Pflegebedarf entscheidet. Altenheim, Jg. 42(5):20-25.
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Hirth R.A, Banaszak-Holl J.C, Fries B.E, Turenne M.N.  2003.  Does Quality Influence Consumer Choice of Nursing Homes? Evidence from Nursing Home to Nursing Home Transfers Inquiry. 40(4):343-361.
Weech-Maldonado R, Neff G, Mor V.  2003.  Does quality of care lead to better financial performance?: the case of the nursing home industry Health Care Management Review. 28(3):201-216.
Achterberg W., Pot A.M, Kerkstra A., Ooms M., Muller M., Ribbe M..  2003.  The effect of depression on social engagement in newly admitted Dutch nursing home residents. Gerontologist. 43(2):213-8.
Landi F., Onder G., Cesari M., Gravina E.M., Lattanzio F., Russo A., Bernabei R., .  2003.  Effects of influenza vaccination on mortality amongfrail, community-living elderly patients: An observational study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 15(3):254-258.
Carpenter I., Perry M., Challis D., Hope K..  2003.  Errata: Identification of registered nursing care of residents in English nursing homes using the minimum data set resident assessment instrument (MDS/RAI) and resource utilisation groups version III (RUG-III). Age and Ageing. 32(6):686.
Jonsson P.V., Gumundsdottir H., Fribjoernsdottir F., Haraldsdottir M., Olafsdottir T., Jensdottir A.B, Hjaltadottir I., Hararson O., Palsson H..  2003.  [Health care needs and quality of life of elderly in home care in Reykjavik, 1997.]. Laeknabladid. 89(4):313-8.
Wodchis W.P, Hirdes J.P, Feeny D.H.  2003.  Health-related quality of life measure based on the minimum data set. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 19(3):490-506.
Miller SC, Mor V, Teno J.  2003.  Hospice enrollment and pain assessment and management in nursing homes. Journal of pain and symptom management. 26(3):791-799.
Carpenter G.I, Perry M., Challis D., Hope K..  2003.  Identification of registered nursing care of residents in English nursing homes using the Minimum Data Set Resident Assessment Instrument (MDS/RAI) and Resource Utilisation Groups version III (RUG-III). Age & Ageing. 32(3):279-285.
Fries B.E, James M..  2003.  Identifying "appropriate" applicants for home and community based services: the MI Choice screening system. Center for Home Care Policy & Research Policy Briefs [Electronic Resource]. (13):1-6.