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Gilbart E.E, Hirdes J.P.  2000.  Stress, social engagement and psychological well-being in institutional settings: Evidence based on the minimum data set 2.0. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):50-66.
Morris JN, Howard EP, Steel K, Berg K, Tchalla A, Munankarmi A, David D.  2016.  Strategies to reduce the risk of falling: Cohort study analysis with 1-year follow-up in community dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 16(1):92.
Juckett LA, Oliver HV, Hariharan G, Bunck LE, Devier AL.  2023.  Strategies for implementing the interRAI home care frailty scale with home-delivered meal clients. Frontiers in Public Health. 11:1022735.
Hirdes J.P, Brown K.S.  1994.  The statistical analysis of event histories in longitudinal studies of aging. Canadian Journal on Aging. 13(3):332-352.
Buttke D, Cooke V, Abrahamson K, Shippee T, Davila H, Kane R, Arling G.  2018.  A Statewide Model for Assisting Nursing Home Residents to Transition Successfully to the Community. Geriatrics. 3(2):18.
Ahronheim J.C, Mulvihill M., Sieger C., Park P., Fries B.E.  2001.  State practice variations in the use of tube feeding for nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(2):148-52.
Kerttula A.M, Lyytikainen O., Virolainen A., Finne-Soveri H., Agthe N., Vuopio-Varkila J..  2007.  Staphylococcus aureus colonization among nursing home residents in a large Finnish nursing home. Scand J Infect Dis. 39(11):996-1001.
Gray LC, Bernabei R, Berg K, Finne‐Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jonsson PV, Morris JN, Steel K, Ariño‐Blasco S.  2008.  Standardizing assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(3):536-41.
Steel K., Whang P..  2000.  Standardized comprehensive assessment for end-of-life and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 19(5):324-5.
Carpenter I., Ram MB, Williams JG.  2009.  Standardising medical records: improving patient care and informing the evidence base. Clinical Evidence.
Gray L., Bernabei R., Berg K., Finne-Soveri H., Fries B.E, Hirdes J.P, Jonsson P., Morris J., Steel K., Arino-Blasco S..  2008.  Standardising assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. J Am Geriatr Soc. 56(3):536-41.
Hansebo G., Kihlgren M., Ljunggren G., Winblad B..  1998.  Staff views on the Resident Assessment Instrument, RAI/MDS, in nursing homes, and the use of the Cognitive Performance Scale, CPS, in different levels of care in Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 28(3):642-53.
Karon S.L, Sainfort F., Zimmerman D.R.  1999.  Stability of nursing home quality indicators over time. Medical Care. 37(6):570-9.
Hirdes J.P, Martin N.J.  1993.  The specification of levels of active intervention in a chronic care hospital. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 12(2):125-138.
Rabinowitz T., Hirdes J.P, Desjardins I..  2006.  Somatoform disorders in late life. Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. :489-503.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2022.  Soins de longue durée en établissement (SLD) interRAI, manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire d’évaluation, Édition canadienne française, Version 9.1.4. :156.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2012.  Soins de longue durée en établissement (SLD) interRAI, manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire d’évaluation, LTCF Canadian French Edition. :146.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2018.  Soins à domicile (SAD) interRAI : manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire d’évaluation, Edition française. :142.
Lacey C, Manuel J, Schluter PJ, Porter RJ, Pitama S, Jamieson HA.  2019.  Sociodemographic, environmental characteristics and comorbidities of older adults with schizophrenia who access community health service support: A national cross-sectional study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 53(6):570-580.
Ryan B., A. Ruiz M, Rivera-Rodriguez C., Curtis M., Cheung G..  2021.  Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of 1350 Patients with Young Onset Dementia: A Comparison with Older Patients. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 35(3):200-207.
Hirdes J.P.  1998.  Society's adaptation to its own aging: a new challenge for community-based health care.. WHO. (November):205-212.
Rios S, Perlman CM.  2018.  Social Withdrawal Among Individuals Receiving Psychiatric Care: Derivation of a Scale Using Routine Clinical Assessment Data to Support Screening and Outcome Measurement. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 45(4):579-592.
Smith T..  2000.  Social support needs among the institutionalized elderly.. Stride. (June/September):12-14.
Forbes RNDorothy, Montague P, PHD CPSYCHMaggie Gib, Hirdes J, Clark RNKristie, MSCN GNCC.  2011.  Social support deficiency in home care clients. Perspectives (Pre-2012). 34(3):5.
Martin L, Perlman CM, Hirdes JP.  2011.  Social relationships and activities among married psychiatric inpatients with sexual difficulties. Journal of sex & marital therapy. 37(4):307-22.