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Pickering JW, Abey-Nesbit R, Allore H, Jamieson H.  2020.  Development and validation of multivariable mortality risk-prediction models in older people undergoing an interRAI home-care assessment (RiskOP). EClinicalMedicine. 29-30:100614.
Nuutinen M., Leskelä R.L, Suojalehto E., Tirronen A., Komssi V..  2017.  Development and validation of classifiers and variable subsets for predicting nursing home admission. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 17(1):39.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Beach C., Maxwell C.J, Mills D., Mitchell L., Reid R.C, Poss J.W.  2020.  Development and Validation of Caregiver Risk Evaluation (CaRE): A New Algorithm to Screen for Caregiver Burden. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Beach C., Maxwell C.J, Mills D., Mitchell L., Reid R.C, Poss J.W.  2021.  Development and Validation of Caregiver Risk Evaluation (CaRE): A New Algorithm to Screen for Caregiver Burden. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 40(7):731-741.
Krausch-Hofmann S, Tran TDung, Declerck D, Mello Jde Almeida, Declercq A, Lesaffre E, De Lepeleire J, Duyck J.  2020.  Development and validation of an Optimized Photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section. Symposium 3: Development and validation of an optimized photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section, conducted at World interRAI Conferende 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven, Belgium.
Kuspinar A, Hirdes JP, Berg K, McArthur C, Morris JN.  2019.  Development and validation of an algorithm to assess risk of first-time falling among home care clients. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):264.
Betini RSD, Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Gammage L, Vansickle J, Poss J, Heckman G.  2018.  Development and validation of a screener based on interRAI assessments to measure informal caregiver wellbeing in the community. BMC Geriatrics. 18(1):310.
Luo H., Lou V.WQ, Li Y., Chi I..  2019.  Development and Validation of a Prognostic Tool for Identifying Residents at Increased Risk of Death in Long-Term Care Facilities. J Palliat Med. 22(3):258-266.
Rios S., Meyer S.B, Hirdes J., Elliott S., Perlman C.M.  2021.  The development and validation of a marginalization index for inpatient psychiatry. The International journal of social psychiatry. 67(4):324-334.
Rios S, Meyer SB, Hirdes J, Elliott S, Perlman CM.  2020.  The development and validation of a marginalization index for inpatient psychiatry. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. :0020764020950785.
Abey-Nesbit R., Bergler U., Pickering J.W, Nishtala P.S, Jamieson H..  2022.  Development and validation of a frailty index compatible with three interRAI assessment instruments. Age and Ageing. 51(8)
Gray LC, Beattie E, Boscart VM, Henderson A, Hornby-Turner YC, Hubbard RE, Wood S, Peel NM.  2018.  Development and Testing of the interRAI Acute Care: A Standardized Assessment Administered by Nurses for Patients Admitted to Acute Care. Health Services Insights. 11:1178632918818836-1178632918818836.
Giosa J.L, Stolee P., Holyoke P..  2021.  Development and testing of the Geriatric Care Assessment Practices (G-CAP) survey. BMC geriatrics. 21(1)
Zimmerman D.R, Karon S.L, Arling G., Clark B.R, Collins T., Ross R., Sainfort F..  1995.  Development and testing of nursing home quality indicators. Health Care Financ Rev. 16(4):107-27.
Lau C., Stewart S.L, Saklofske D.H, Hirdes J..  2021.  Development and psychometric validation of the interRAI ChYMH externalizing subscale. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 26(1):295-305.
Martin L, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Smith TF.  2007.  Development and Psychometric Properties of an Assessment for Persons With Intellectual Disability;The interRAI ID. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(1):23-29.
Martin L, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Smith TF.  2007.  Development and Psychometric Properties of an Assessment for Persons With Intellectual Disability—The interRAI ID. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(1):23-29.
Dalby DM, Hirdes JP, Stolee P, J. Strong G, Poss J, Tjam EY, Bowman L, Ashworth M.  2009.  Development and Psychometric Properties of a Standardized Assessment for Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. Vol. 103(No. 1):7-16.
Wang S., J. Mello DAlmeida, Declercq A..  2021.  Development and evaluation of an intervention on suPpoRting infOrmal cAregivers of older people with early CogniTIVe declinE (PROACTIVE): A study protocol based on the Medical Research Council framework. BMJ Open. 11(1)
Stosz L, Carpenter I.  2008.  Developing the use of MDS/RAI reports for UK care homes. :44.
Nova AA, Heckman G, Giangregorio LM, Alarakhia M.  2023.  Developing the Patient Falls Risk Report: A Mixed-Methods Study on Sharing Falls-Related Clinical Information from Home Care with Primary Care Providers. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 42(2):337-350.
Morris JN, Berg K, Topinkova E, Gray LC, Schachter E.  2018.  Developing quality indicators for in-patient post-acute care. BMC geriatrics. 18(1):161-161.
Nuutinen M., Leskelä R.L, Torkki P., Suojalehto E., Tirronen A., Komssi V..  2019.  Developing and validating models for predicting nursing home admission using only RAI-HC instrument data. Informatics for health & social care. :1-17.
Parsons M, Rouse P, Sajtos L, Harrison J, Parsons J, Gestro L.  2018.  Developing and utilising a new funding model for home‐care services in New Zealand. Health & social care in the community. 26(3):345-355.
Parsons M., Rouse P., Sajtos L., Harrison J., Parsons J., Gestro L..  2018.  Developing and utilising a new funding model for home-care services in New Zealand. Health Soc Care Community. 26(3):345-355.