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Journal Article
Steel K., Vitale C., Whang P..  2000.  Annotated bibliography of palliative care and end of life care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 48(3):325-32.
Carpenter G.I, Bernabei R., Hirdes J.P, Mor V., Steel K..  2000.  Building evidence on chronic disease in old age. Standardised assessments and databases offer one way of building the evidence. BMJ. 320(7234):528-9.
Onder G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Carpenter I., Steel K., Bernabei R., Landi F..  2007.  Case management and risk of nursing home admission for older adults in home care: results of the AgeD in HOme Care Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(3):439-44.
Steel K., Frijters D., Ribbe M., Achterberg W..  2004.  De RAI-Palliatieve Zorg: een beoordelingsinstrument voor intra- en extramurale palliatieve zorg.. Tijdschr voor Verpleeghuisgeneeskunde. 28:19-22.
Steel K..  1997.  The elderly: The single greatest achievement of mankind. Disability and Rehabilitation. 19(4):130-133.
Steel K., Sherwood S., Ribbe M.W.  1997.  The future: a person-specific standardized assessment instrument. Age Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):83-85.
Steel K., Leff B., Vaitovas B..  1998.  A home care annotated bibliography. J Am Geriatr Soc. 46(7):898-909.
Steel K., Ribbe M., Ahronheim J., Hedrick H., Selwyn P.A, Forman W., Keay T..  1999.  Incorporating education on palliative care into the long-term care setting. National Consensus Conference on Medical Education for Care Near the End of Life. J Am Geriatr Soc. 47(7):904-7.
Steel K., Ribbe M, Ahronheim J.C, Hedrick H, Selwyn PA, Forman W.  1999.  Incorporating education on palliative care into the long-term setting.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 47(7):904-907.
Steel K..  1998.  An initiative to expand home care into academic medicine.. Academic Medicine. 739:928-930.
Frijters D., Achterberg W., Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K..  2001.  [Integrated health information system based on Resident Assessment Instruments]. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr. 32(1):8-16.
Frijters D., Achterberg W., Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K..  2001.  Integrated health information system based on Resident Assessment Instruments. [Dutch]. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie. 32(1):8-16.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments.[erratum appears in Healthc Manage Forum 2000 Summer;13(2):41]. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(4):30-40.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steel K., Mor V., Frijters D., LaBine S., Schalm C., Stones M.J, Teare G. et al..  1999.  Integrated health information systems based on the RAI/MDS series of instruments. Healthcare management forum / Canadian College of Health Service Executives = Forum gestion des soins de sante / College canadien des directeurs de services de sante. 12(4):30-40.
Bernabei R., Gambassi G., Lapane K., Landi F., Gatsonis C., Dunlop R., Lipsitz L., Steel K., Mor V..  1998.  Management of pain in elderly patients with cancer. SAGE Study Group. Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology. Jama. 279(23):1877-82.
Steel K., Grifone T.  1998.  The need for standardized care of elders.. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 32(1):115-116.
Carpenter G.I, Teare G.F, Steel K., Berg K., Murphy K., Bjørnson J., Jonsson P.V, Hirdes J.P.  2001.  A new assessment for elders admitted to acute care: reliability of the MDS-AC. Aging (Milano). 13(4):316-30.
Ribbe M.W, Ljunggren G., Steel K., Topinkova E., Hawes C., Ikegami N., Henrard J.C, Jonnson P.V.  1997.  Nursing homes in 10 nations: A comparison between countries and settings. Age & Ageing. 26(SUPPL. 2):3-12.
Steel K..  1998.  An open letter to the director-general of WHO. Hosp Pract (Off Ed). 33(9):15-6.
Steel K., Sherwood S., Ribbe M.  1997.  A person-specific standardized assessment instrument.. Age & Ageing. 26(2):83-85.
Maggi S., Steel K..  1996.  Planning home care services: which data do we need? Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 22:493-498.
Morris J.N, Howard E.P, Steel K., Schreiber R., Fries B.E, Lipsitz L.A, Goldman B..  2014.  Predicting risk of hospital and emergency department use for home care elderly persons through a secondary analysis of cross-national data. BMC Health Serv Res. 14:519.
Steel K., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Morris J.N, Vitale C., Parzuchowski J., Nonemaker S., Frijters D.H, Rabinowitz T., Murphy K.M et al..  2003.  The RAI-PC: An assessment instrument for palliative care in all settings. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. 20(3):211-219.
Steel K..  1997.  Research on aging. An agenda for all nations individually and collectively. Jama. 278(16):1374-5.
Morris J.N, Berg K., Fries B.E, Steel K., Howard E.P.  2013.  Scaling functional status within the interRAI suite of assessment instruments. BMC Geriatr. 13:128.