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Hoffman A.  2020.  Characteristics of children and youth with mental health disorders who have police contact. Sociology.
Olmstead BS.  2020.  Characteristics of persons with serious mental disorders who have repeat contact with police officers.
Scaccabarozzi G, Amodio E, Riva L, Corli O, Maltoni M, Di Silvestre G, Turriziani A, Morino P, Pellegrini G, Crippa M.  2020.  Clinical care conditions and needs of palliative care patients from five Italian regions: preliminary data of the DEMETRA project. Healthcare. 8(3):221.
Daly T, Choiniere J, Armstrong H.  2020.  Code Work: RAI-MDS, Measurement, Quality, and Work Organization in Long-Term Care Facilities in Ontario. Health matters: Evidence, critical social science, and health care in Canada. :75-91.
Davidson K.  2020.  Commentary: Registered Nurses' experiences with, and feelings and attitudes towards, the International Resident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities in New Zealand in 2017. Journal of Research in Nursing. 25(2):156-158.
Mello Jde Almeida, Cès S, Vanneste D, Van Durme T, Van Audenhove C, Macq J, Fries B, Declercq A.  2020.  Comparing the case-mix of frail older people at home and of those being admitted into residential care: a longitudinal study. BMC geriatrics. 20(1):1-10.
Sinn C-LJoanna, Heckman G, Poss JW, Onder G, Vetrano DLiborio, Hirdes J.  2020.  A comparison of 3 frailty measures and adverse outcomes in the intake home care population: a retrospective cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal. 8(4):E796-E809.
Iantosca JAnn M.  2020.  Construction and Preliminary Validation of the interRAI 0-3 Developmental Domains.
Xu H, Bowblis JR, Li Y, Caprio TV, Intrator O.  2020.  Construction and Validation of Risk-adjusted Rates of Emergency Department Visits for Long-stay Nursing Home Residents. Medical care. 58(2):174-182.
Canada Gof.  2020.  Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Szczerbinska K.  2020.  Could we have done better with COVID-19 in nursing homes? European Geriatric Medicine. 11(4):639-643.
Colenda CC, Reynolds CF, Applegate WB, Sloane PD, Zimmerman S, Newman AB, Meeks S, Ouslander JG.  2020.  COVID-19 Pandemic and Ageism: A Call for Humanitarian Care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(8):1005-1006.
Stevens T., Keller H., Williams N., Downar J., Guthrie D.M.  2020.  Cross-Sectional Nutrition Profile of Palliative Home Care Clients in Ontario and Performance of the interRAI Palliative Care Nutrition Clinical Assessment Protocol. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.
Ludwig C, Busnel C.  2020.  Derivation of a frailty index from the interRAI-HC to assess frailty among older adults receiving home care and assistance (the “fraXity” study). Advances in geriatric medicine and research. 2(2)
Williams N, Guthrie DM, Davidson JGS, Fisher K, Griffith LE.  2020.  A Deterioration in Hearing Is Associated With Functional and Cognitive Impairments, Difficulty With Communication, and Greater Health Instability. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society. 39(2):159-171.
Abey-Nesbit RKatherine.  2020.  Determining risk of hip fracture in older adults with complex needs in New Zealand: A national population time-to-event study.
Rios S, Meyer SB, Hirdes J, Elliott S, Perlman CM.  2020.  The development and validation of a marginalization index for inpatient psychiatry. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. :0020764020950785.
Krausch-Hofmann S, Tran TDung, Declerck D, Mello Jde Almeida, Declercq A, Lesaffre E, De Lepeleire J, Duyck J.  2020.  Development and validation of an Optimized Photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section. Symposium 3: Development and validation of an optimized photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section, conducted at World interRAI Conferende 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven, Belgium.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Beach C., Maxwell C.J, Mills D., Mitchell L., Reid R.C, Poss J.W.  2020.  Development and Validation of Caregiver Risk Evaluation (CaRE): A New Algorithm to Screen for Caregiver Burden. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
Pickering JW, Abey-Nesbit R, Allore H, Jamieson H.  2020.  Development and validation of multivariable mortality risk-prediction models in older people undergoing an interRAI home-care assessment (RiskOP). EClinicalMedicine. 29-30:100614.
McArthur C, Ioannidis G, Jantzi M, Adachi JD, Giangregorio L, Hirdes J, Papaioannou A.  2020.  Development and validation of the fracture risk scale home care (FRS-HC) that predicts one-year incident fracture: an electronic record-linked longitudinal cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 21(1):499.
Urbietė L, Lesauskaitė V, Macijauskienė J.  2020.  Discharge planning and home care needs assessment for older patients in a nursing hospital. Medicina. 56(2):60.
Hass Z, Woodhouse M, Arling G.  2020.  Do Residents Participating in Minnesota’s Return to Community Initiative Experience Similar Postdischarge Outcomes to Their Peers? Medical Care. 58(4):399-406.
Wouters H, Hilmer SN, Twisk J, Teichert M, Van Der Meer HG, van Hout HPJ, Taxis K.  2020.  Drug burden index and cognitive and physical function in aged care residents: a longitudinal study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(8):1086-1092.e1.
Ruangritchankul S, Peel NM, Hanjani LShafiee, Gray LC.  2020.  Drug related problems in older adults living with dementia. PLOS ONE. 15(7):e0236830.