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Fries B.E, Schroll M., Hawes C., Gilgen R., Jonsson P.V, Park P..  1997.  Approaching cross-national comparisons of nursing home residents. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):13-8.
Teno J.M, Branco K.J, Mor V., Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Morris J., Fries B.E.  1997.  Changes in advance care planning in nursing homes before and after the patient Self-Determination Act: report of a 10-state survey. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):939-44.
Mor V., Intrator O., Fries B.E, Phillips C., Teno J., Hiris J., Hawes C., Morris J..  1997.  Changes in hospitalization associated with introducing the Resident Assessment Instrument.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):1002-10.
Morris J.N, Nonemaker S., Murphy K., Hawes C., Fries B.E, Mor V., Phillips C..  1997.  A commitment to change: revision of HCFA's RAI.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):1011-6.
Morris J.N, Fries B.E, Keel K., Ikegami N., Bernabei R., Carpenter G.I, Gilgen R., Hirdes J.P, Topinkova E..  1997.  Compresensive clinical assessment in community setting: applicability of the MDS-HC. J Am Geriatr Soc. 45(8):1017-1024.
Hawes C., Morris J.N, Phillips C.D, Fries B.E, Murphy K., Mor V..  1997.  Development of the nursing home Resident Assessment Instrument in the USA. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):19-25.
Fries B.E, Hawes C., Morris J.N, Phillips C.D, Mor V., Park P.S.  1997.  Effect of the National Resident Assessment Instrument on selected health conditions and problems. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):994-1001.
Sgadari A., Morris J.N, Fries B.E, Ljunggren G., Jonsson P.V, DuPaquier J.N, Schroll M..  1997.  Efforts to establish the reliability of the Resident Assessment Instrument. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):27-30.
Hawes C., Mor V., Phillips C.D, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Steele-Friedlob E., Greene A.M, Nennstiel M..  1997.  The OBRA-87 nursing home regulations and implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument: effects on process quality.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):977-85.
Mehr D.R, Williams B.C, Fries B.E.  1997.  Predicting discharge outcomes of VA nursing home residents. Journal of Aging & Health. 9(2):244-65.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk".[erratum appears in Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Feb;79(2):231]. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 78(1):48-54.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk". Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 78(1):48-54.
Carpenter G.I, Ikegami N., Ljunggren G., Carrillo E., Fries B.E.  1997.  RUG-III and resource allocation: comparing the relationship of direct care time with patient characteristics in five countries. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):61-5.
Blaum C.S, O'Neill E.F, Clements K.M, Fries B.E, Fiatarone M.A.  1997.  Validity of the minimum data set for assessing nutritional status in nursing home residents. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 66(4):787-94.
Resnick H.E, Fries B.E, Verbrugge L.M.  1997.  Windows to their world: the effect of sensory impairments on social engagement and activity time in nursing home residents. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 52(3):S135-44.