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Phillips C.D, Zimmerman D., Bernabei R., Jonsson P.V.  1997.  Using the Resident Assessment Instrument for quality enhancement in nursing homes. Age Ageing. 26 Suppl 2:77-81.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2005.  Care Provision in Housing With Supportive Services: The Importance of Care Type, Individual Characteristics, and Care Site. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 24(1):55-67.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Nennstiel M.E.  1996.  Facility and area variation affecting the use of physical restraints in nursing homes. Medical Care. 34(11):1149-62.
Phillips C.D, Shen R., Chen M., Sherman M..  2007.  Evaluating nursing home performance indicators: an illustration exploring the impact of facilities on ADL change. Gerontologist. 47(5):683-9.
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Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2015.  The interRAI Pediatric Home Care (PEDS HC) Assessment: Evaluating the Long-term Community-Based Service and Support Needs of Children Facing Special Healthcare Challenges. Health services insights. 8:17-24.
Phillips CD, Morris JN, Hawes C, Fries BE, Mor V, Nennstiel M, Iannacchione V.  1997.  Association of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) with changes in function, cognition, and psychosocial status.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):986-93.
Phillips C.D, Spry K.M, Sloane P.D, Hawes C..  2000.  Use of physical restraints and psychotropic medications in Alzheimer special care units in nursing homes. American Journal of Public Health. 90(1):92-6.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C..  1992.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment: RUG-II and cognition in the Texas case-mix data base. Medical Care. 30(2):105-16.
Phillips CD, Hawes C, Mor V, Fries BE, Morris JN.  1997.  Geriatric assessment in nursing homes in the United States: Impact of a national program. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging. 21(4):15-20.
Pickering J.W, Scrase R., Troughton R., Jamieson H.A.  2022.  Evaluation of the added value of Brain Natriuretic Peptide to a validated mortality risk-prediction model in older people using a standardised international clinical assessment tool. PLoS ONE. 17(11 November):e0277850.
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Pizzingrilli B., Hoffman R., Hirdes D.P.  2015.  A protocol to reduce police wait times in the emergency department. Healthc Manage Forum. 28(4):134-8.
Plaku-Alakbarova B., Punnett L., Gore R.J.  2018.  Nursing Home Employee and Resident Satisfaction and Resident Care Outcomes. Saf Health Work. 9(4):408-415.
Popejoy L.L, Rantz M.J, Conn V., Wipke-Tevis D., Grando V.T, Porter R..  2000.  Improving quality of care in nursing facilities. Gerontological clinical nurse specialist as research nurse consultant. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 26(4):6-13.
Poss J.W, Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, McKillop I., Chase M..  2008.  Validation of Resource Utilization Groups version III for Home Care (RUG-III/HC): evidence from a Canadian home care jurisdiction. Medical Care. 46(4):380-7.
Poss J.W, Hirdes J.P.  2016.  Very Frequent Fallers and Future Fall Injury: Continuous Risk Among Community-Dwelling Home Care Recipients. J Aging Health. 28(4):587-99.
Poss J., Murphy K.M, Woodbury M.G, Orsted H., Stevenson K., Williams G., Macalpine S., Curtin-Telegdi N., Hirdes J.P.  2010.  Development of the interRAI Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale (PURS) for use in long-term care and home care settings. BMC Geriatr. 10:67.
Poss JW, Sinn JChi-Ling, Grinchenko G., Blums J, Peirce T, Hirdes J.  2017.  Location, Location, Location: Characteristics and Services of Long-Stay Home Care Recipients in Retirement Homes Compared to Others in Private Homes and Long-Term Care Homes. Healthcare Policy. 12(3):80-93.
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Poss J.W, Jutan N.M, Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Teare G.F, Reidel K..  2008.  A review of evidence on the reliability and validity of Minimum Data Set data. Healthcare Management Forum. 21(1):33-9.
Poss JW, Jutan NM, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Morris JN, Teare GF, Reidel K.  2008.  A review of evidence on the reliability and validity of MDS data. Healthcare Management Forum. 21(1):33-39.
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Poudel A, Peel NM, Mitchell CA, Gray LC, Nissen LM, Hubbard RE.  2015.  Geriatrician interventions on medication prescribing for frail older people in residential aged care facilities. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 10:1043-1051.