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Kiely D.K, Morris J.N, Algase D.L.  2000.  Resident characteristics associated with wandering in nursing homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 15(11):1013-20.
Teare G..  2000.  RUG-III case-mix classification and funding in long term care: the Resource Utilization Groups.. Stride. (October):8-17.
Björkgren MA, Fries BE, Shugarman LR.  2000.  A RUG-III Case-Mix System for Home Care. Canadian Journal on Aging/Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 19(SupplementS2):106-125.
Harris CJ.  2000.  Self audits ensure MDS accuracy.. Provider. (October):28-33.
Rantz M.J, Petroski G.F, Madsen R.W, Mehr D.R, Popejoy L., Hicks L.L, Porter R., Zwygart-Stauffacher M., Grando V..  2000.  Setting thresholds for quality indicators derived from MDS data for nursing home quality improvement reports: an update. Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 26(2):101-10.
Smith T..  2000.  Social support needs among the institutionalized elderly.. Stride. (June/September):12-14.
Steel K., Whang P..  2000.  Standardized comprehensive assessment for end-of-life and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 19(5):324-5.
Gilbart E.E, Hirdes J.P.  2000.  Stress, social engagement and psychological well-being in institutional settings: Evidence based on the minimum data set 2.0. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):50-66.
Rook M..  2000.  Taking the mystery out of the Minimum Data Set.. Management. (February/March):12-13.
Gessert C.E, Mosier M.C, Brown E.F, Frey B..  2000.  Tube feeding in nursing home residents with severe and irreversible cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc. 48(12):1593-600.
Phillips C.D, Spry K.M, Sloane P.D, Hawes C..  2000.  Use of physical restraints and psychotropic medications in Alzheimer special care units in nursing homes. American Journal of Public Health. 90(1):92-6.
Keller H, Hirdes J.P..  2000.  Using the Minimum Data Set to determine the prevalence of nutrition problems.. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 61(4):165-171.
Keller H.H, Hirdes J.P.  2000.  Using the Minimum Data Set to Determine the Prevalence of Nutrition Problems in an Ontario Population of Chronic Care Patients. Can J Diet Pract Res. 61(4):165-171.
Henrard J.C, Cerase-Feurra V., Ankri J..  2000.  Using the RAI for quality assessment in long term care facilities. Revue de Geriatrie. 25(4):231-242.
Kwan C.W, Chi I., Lam T.P, Lam K.F, Chou K.L.  2000.  Validation of Minimum Data Set for Home Care assessment instrument (MDS-HC) for Hong Kong Chinese elders.. Clinical Gerontologist. 21(4):35-48.
Gruber-Baldini A.L, Zimmerman S.I, Mortimore E., Magaziner J..  2000.  The validity of the minimum data set in measuring the cognitive impairment of persons admitted to nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 48(12):1601-6.
Nittu F.  2000.  Why MDS is needed in clinical settings.. Ns Magazine. 2(4):56-59.
Mentes J, Culp K, Maas M., Rantz M.J.  1999.  Acute confusion indicators: risk factors and prevalence using MDS data. Research in Nursing & Health. 22(2):244-265.
Lapane K., Barbour MM, Van Haaren A, Gambassi G..  1999.  Antiischemic therapy in patients with coronary heart disease living in long-term care.. Pharmacotherapy. 19(5):627-634.
Stewart K, Challis D., Carpenter G.I, Dickinson E.J.  1999.  Assessment approaches for older people receiving social care: content and coverage.. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 14(2):147-156.
Hirdes J.P.  1999.  Assessment, needs and outcomes: towards more comparable information..
G. Carpenter I, Maxwell C.  1999.  Audit of the clinical content of medical and nursing admission assessments. Age and Ageing. 28(5, Sup):35.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Zuccala G., Pahor M., Carbonin P., Bernabei R..  1999.  A brief training program on resident assessment instrument improves motivation of nursing home staff. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 3(1):24-28.
Fries BE, Morris JN, James ML, G. Carpenter I.  1999.  Building eligibility criteria for continuing care from systematic assessment data. Age and Ageing. 28(British Geriatrics Society Sprint Meeting 1999):30.
Sorbye L.W.  1999.  Cancer patients who prefer to die at home. Characterizations of municipalities with several or few occurrences of home deaths. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 13(2):102-8.