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Laakkonen M., Finne-Soveri H., Noro A., Tilvis R.S., Pitkala K.H..  2004.  Advance orders to limit therapy in 67 long-term care facilities in Finland. Resuscitation. 61(3):333.
Björkgren MA, Fries BE, Häkkinen U, Brommels M.  2004.  Case-mix adjustment and efficiency measurement. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 32(6):464-471.
Carpenter I., Gambassi G., Topinkova E., Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Henrard J.C, Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P., Frijters D., Ljunggren G. et al..  2004.  Community care in Europe. The Aged in Home Care project (AdHOC). Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 16(4):259-69.
CIHI) CInstitute.  2004.  Complex Continuing Care in Ontario: Resident Demographics and System Characteristics - OCCPS 1996–1997 to 2002–2003. :86.
Mor V.  2004.  A comprehensive clinical assessment tool to inform policy and practice: applications of the minimum data set. Medical care. 42(4):III-50-III-59.
Morris J.N, Jones R.N, Fries B.E, Hirdes J.P.  2004.  Convergent validity of minimum data set-based performance quality indicators in postacute care settings. Am J Med Qual. 19(6):242-247.
Seto M.C, Harris G.T, Rice M.E.  2004.  The criminogenic, clinical, and social problems of forensic and civil psychiatric patients. Law and Human Behavior. 28(5):577-586.
Teno JM, Kabumoto G, Wetle T, Roy J, Mor V.  2004.  Daily pain that was excruciating at some time in the previous week: prevalence, characteristics, and outcomes in nursing home residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 52(5):762-767.
CIHI) CInstitute.  2004.  Data Quality Documentation for the Ontario Chronic Care Patient System (OCCPS). :49.
Steel K., Frijters D., Ribbe M., Achterberg W..  2004.  De RAI-Palliatieve Zorg: een beoordelingsinstrument voor intra- en extramurale palliatieve zorg.. Tijdschr voor Verpleeghuisgeneeskunde. 28:19-22.
Gruneir A., Smith T.F, Hirdes J.P, Cameron R..  2004.  Depression in patients with advanced illness: an examination of Ontario Complex Continuing Care using the minimum data set 2.0. Journal of Palliative Care. 20(3):263-263.
Cieza A., Ewert T., Ustun T.B, Chatterji S., Kostanjsek N., Stucki G..  2004.  Development of ICF Core Sets for patients with chronic conditions. J Rehabil Med. :9-11.
Pedone C, Lapane KL, Mor V, Bernabei R.  2004.  Donepezil use in US nursing homes. Aging clinical and experimental research. 16(1):60-67.
Mor V, Zinn J, Angelelli J, Teno JM, Miller SC.  2004.  Driven to tiers: socioeconomic and racial disparities in the quality of nursing home care. Milbank Quarterly. 82(2):227-256.
Intrator O., Mor V..  2004.  Effect of state Medicaid reimbursement rates on hospitalizations from nursing homes. J Am Geriatr Soc. 52(3):393-8.
Mitchell S.L, Kiely D.K, Hamel M.B, Park P.S, Morris J.N, Fries B.E.  2004.  Estimating prognosis for nursing home residents with advanced dementia. Journal of the American Medical Association. 291(22):2734-2740.
Buchanan J.L, Andres P.L, Haley S.M, Paddock S.M, Zaslavsky A.M.  2004.  Evaluating the planned substitution of the minimum data set-post acute care for use in the rehabilitation hospital prospective payment system. Medical Care. 42(2):155-63.
Teno JM, Clarridge BR, Casey V, Welch LC, Wetle T, Shield R, Mor V.  2004.  Family perspectives on end-of-life care at the last place of care. Jama. 291(1):88-93.
Miller SC, Intrator O, Gozalo P, Roy J, Barber J, Mor V.  2004.  Government Expenditures at the End of Life for Short‐and Long‐Stay Nursing Home Residents: Differences by Hospice Enrollment Status. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 52(8):1284-1292.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Ikegami N., Zimmerman D., Dalby D.M, Aliaga P., Hammer S., Jones R..  2004.  Home care quality indicators (HCQIs) based on the MDS-HC. Gerontologist. 44(5):665-679.
Ewert G.S.  2004.  How to asses the impact of arthritis on the individual patient: The WHO and ICF. Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 64:664-668.
Brach M., Cieza A., Stucki G., Fussl M., Cole A., Ellerin B., Fialka-Moser V., Kostanjsek N., Melvin J..  2004.  ICF Core Sets for breast cancer. J Rehabil Med. :121-7.
Ikegami N.  2004.  Impact of public long-term care insurance in Japan. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 4(s1):S146-S148.