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Veterans ADepartment.  2012.  Technical revisions to update reference to the required assessment tool for state nursing homes receiving per diem payments from VA. Final rule. Federal register. 77(86):26183-26184.
Carpenter G.I, Hirdes J.P, Ribbe M.W, Ikegami N., Challis D., Steel K., Bernabei R., Fries B..  1999.  Targeting and quality of nursing home care. A five-nation study. Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 11(2):83-9.
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Gifford D.R, Lapane K.L, Gambassi G., Landi F., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1999.  Tacrine use in nursing homes: implications for prescribing new cholinesterase inhibitors. SAGE Study Group. Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology.. Neurology. 52(2):238-44.
Ott B.R, Lapane K.L.  2002.  Tacrine therapy is associated with reduced mortality in nursing home residents with dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 50(1):35-40.
Steel K., Jonsson P.V, DuPasquier J.N, Gilgen R., Hirdes J., Schroll M., Ljunggren G., Carpenter I., Bjørnson J..  1999.  Systems of care for frail older persons. InterRAI. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 110:30-5;discussion35-7.
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Rodrigues L.G, Sampaio A.A, da Cruz C.AG, Vettore M.V, Ferreira R.C.  2022.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long-term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology.
Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long-term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Rodrigues LGabriela, Sampaio AAraújo, da Cruz CAntonio Go, Vettore MVianna, Ferreira RConceiçã.  2023.  A systematic review of measurement instruments for oral health assessment of older adults in long‐term care facilities by nondental professionals. Gerodontology. 40(2):148-160.
Salahudeen MSaji, Nishtala PS.  2018.  A systematic review evaluating the use of the interRAI home care instrument in research for older people. Clinical Gerontologist. :null-null.
Salahudeen MSaji, Nishtala PS.  2019.  A Systematic Review Evaluating the Use of the interRAI Home Care Instrument in Research for Older People. Clinical Gerontologist. 42(5):463-484.
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Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Botz C, Ensley C, Marhaba M, Pérez E.  2002.  The system for classification of in-patient psychiatry (SCIPP): A new case-mix methodology for mental health. University of Waterloo.
Fries B.E, Schmorrow A., Lang S.W, Margolis P.M, Heany J., Brown G.P, Barbaree H.E, Hirdes J.P.  2013.  Symptoms and treatment of mental illness among prisoners: a study of Michigan state prisons. Int J Law Psychiatry. 36(3-4):316-25.
Gestsdottir B, Hjaltadottir I, Gudmannsdottir GDora, Jónsson PV, Gunnarsdottir S, Sigurdardottir V.  2015.  Symptoms and functional status of palliative care patients in Iceland. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing). 24(9):478-483.
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Lee JSW, Chau PPH, Hui E, Chan F, Woo J.  2009.  Survival prediction in nursing home residents using the Minimum Data Set subscales: ADL Self-Performance Hierarchy, Cognitive Performance and the Changes in Health, End-stage disease and Symptoms and Signs scales. Eur J Public Health. 19(3):308-12.
Hirdes J.P, Brown K.S.  1996.  A survival analysis of institutional relocation in a chronic care hospital. Canadian Journal on Aging. 15(4):514-524.
Tsutomu M, Tomita K, Mike N.  1998.  A support system to make care plan of elders.. Med Info. 9(1):117-120.
Phillips CD, Patnaik A, Moudouni DK, Naiser E, Dyer JA, Hawes C, Fournier CJ, Miller TR, Elliott TR.  2012.  Summarizing activity limitations in children with chronic illnesses living in the community: a measurement study of scales using supplemented interRAI items. BMC Health Services Research. 12(1):19.
Van Eenoo L., Declercq A., Onder G., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P.V, Dix O.H, Smit J.H, van Hout H.P, van der Roest H.G.  2016.  Substantial between-country differences in organising community care for older people in Europe-a review. Eur J Public Health. 26(2):213-9.
Aderibigbe OOlanike, Stewart SL, Hirdes JP, Perlman C.  2022.  Substance Use among Youth in Community and Residential Mental Health Care Facilities in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(3):1731.
Hirdes JP, Major J, Didic S, Quinn C, Sinclair C, Bucek J, Samis S, Jantzi M, Chen J, Curtin-Telegdi N et al..  2019.  Study Protocol and Baseline Comparisons for a Pan-Canadian Initiative to Reduce Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care Homes. SAGE Open. 9(1):2158244019835942.