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Cabral LAfonso Bat, Machado Wde Lara, Ferlin ELuiz, Hirdes JP, Marrone LCarlos Por, Hirdes A.  2021.  VALIDITY OF THE INSTRUMENT interRAI EMERGENCY SCREENER FOR PSYCHIATRY FOR THE BRAZILIAN CONTEXT.
Cabral LAfonso Bat, Machado Wde Lara, Ferlin ELuiz, Hirdes JP, Marrone LCarlos Por, Hirdes A.  2021.  Evidence of validity of the instrument interRAI emergency screener for psychiatry for the brazilian context. Research, Society and Development.
Cacciatore S., Marzetti E., Calvani R., Picca A., Salini S., Russo A., Tosato M., Landi F..  2024.  Intrinsic capacity and recent falls in adults 80 years and older living in the community: results from the ilSIRENTE Study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 36(1):169.
Cai S, Miller SC, Wilson IB.  2019.  Trajectory of Physical Functioning Among Persons Living With HIV in Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(4):497-502.
Cai S., Miller S.C, Gozalo P.L.  2018.  Nursing Home-Hospice Collaboration and End-of-Life Hospitalizations Among Dying Nursing Home Residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 19(5):439-443.
Cai S, Feng Z, Fennell ML, Mor V.  2011.  Despite Small Improvement, Black Nursing Home Residents Remain Less Likely Than Whites To Receive Flu Vaccine. Health affairs (Project Hope). 30(10):10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0029.
Cai S, Wang S, Mukamel DB, Caprio T, Temkin-Greener H.  Submitted.  Hospital Readmissions Among Post-acute Nursing Home Residents: Does Obesity Matter? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Campbell J.C, Ikegami N..  2000.  Long-term care insurance comes to Japan. Health Aff (Millwood). 19(3):26-39.
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Carfì A, Vetrano DL, Mascia D, Meloni E, Villani ER, Acampora N, Brandi V, Fries BE, Martin L, Bernabei R et al..  2019.  Adults with Down syndrome: a comprehensive approach to manage complexity. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 63(6):624-629.
Carnahan R.M, Letuchy E.M.  2018.  Bipolar Disorder in Nursing Homes: Impact on Antipsychotic Use, Diagnosis Patterns, and New Diagnoses in People with Dementia. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 26(1):2-10.
Carney P, Harrison M.  2023.  A pilot of the InterRAI Family Carers Needs Assessment form in Ireland. European Journal of Public Health. 33(Supplement_2):ckad160.1694.
Carpenter I., Ram MB, Williams JG.  2009.  Standardising medical records: improving patient care and informing the evidence base. Clinical Evidence.
Carpenter G.I.  1997.  Addressing the problems of care services for the elderly with a database of primary clinical data.. British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management. 14(10):16-18.
Carpenter G.I., Field J., Challis D., Swift C..  2002.  Routine use of standardised assessment for monitoring the outcomes of community-based care. Age and Ageing. 31:34.
Carpenter G.I, Teare G.F, Steel K., Berg K., Murphy K., Bjørnson J., Jonsson P.V, Hirdes J.P.  2001.  A new assessment for elders admitted to acute care: reliability of the MDS-AC. Aging (Milano). 13(4):316-30.
Carpenter G.I, Bernabei R., Hirdes J.P, Mor V., Steel K..  2000.  Building evidence on chronic disease in old age. Standardised assessments and databases offer one way of building the evidence. BMJ. 320(7234):528-9.
Carpenter G.I, Ikegami N., Ljunggren G., Carrillo E., Fries B.E.  1997.  RUG-III and resource allocation: comparing the relationship of direct care time with patient characteristics in five countries. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):61-5.
Carpenter I., Perry M., Challis D., Hope K..  2003.  Errata: Identification of registered nursing care of residents in English nursing homes using the minimum data set resident assessment instrument (MDS/RAI) and resource utilisation groups version III (RUG-III). Age and Ageing. 32(6):686.
Carpenter GI, Challis D., Hirdes J.P.  1997.  International perspectives: learning from other countries about the care of the elderly.. Vital Aging Bulletin. 3(3):3-4.
Carpenter G.I, Field J., Challis D., Swift C..  2002.  Needs and resources - comparing levels of care provided to older people in two social services departments. Age and Ageing. 31:33.
Carpenter G.I, Sturdy D.  2000.  Assessment against the criteria for continuing care - Importance of the care plan.. Age & Ageing. 26:34.
G. Carpenter I.  2006.  Accuracy, validity and reliability in assessment and in evaluation of services for older people: the role of the interRAI MDS assessment system. Age Ageing. 35(4):327-9.
Carpenter G.I, Hirdes J.P, Ribbe M.W, Ikegami N., Challis D., Steel K., Bernabei R., Fries B..  1999.  Targeting and quality of nursing home care. A five-nation study. Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 11(2):83-9.