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Landi F., Sgadari A., Bernabei R..  1998.  Urinary incontinence in nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 46(4):536-7.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Cipriani L., Castellani M., Pahor M., Carbonin P.U, Bernabei R..  1996.  A simple program to train case managers in community elderly care. Aging (Milano). 8(3):211-8.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Zuccala G., Pahor M., Carbonin P., Bernabei R..  1999.  A brief training program on resident assessment instrument improves motivation of nursing home staff. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 3(1):24-28.
Landi F., Tua E., Onder G., Carrara B., Sgadari A., Rinaldi C., Gambassi G., Lattanzio F., Bernabei R..  2000.  Minimum data set for home care: a valid instrument to assess frail older people living in the community. Medical Care. 38(12):1184-90.
Lapane K.L, Gambassi G., Landi F., Sgadari A., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2001.  Gender differences in predictors of mortality in nursing home residents with AD. Neurology. 56(5):650-4.
Lattanzio F., Mussi C., Scafato E., Ruggiero C., Dell'Aquila G., Pedone C., Mammarella F., Galluzzo L., Salvioli G., Senin U. et al..  2010.  Health care for older people in Italy: The U.L.I.S.S.E. Project (Un link informatico sui servizi sanitari esistenti per l'anziano - a computerized network on health care services for older people). J Nutr Health Aging. 14(3):238-42.
Liperoti R., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Chiang C., Pedone C., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2005.  Conventional and atypical antipsychotics and the risk of hospitalization for ventricular arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. Archives of Internal Medicine. 165(6):696-701.
Liperoti R., Mor V., Lapane K.L, Pedone C., Gambassi G., Bernabei R..  2003.  The use of atypical antipsychotics in nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 64(9):1106-1112.
Liperoti R., Onder G., Lapane K.L, Mor V., Friedman J.H, Bernabei R., Gambassi G..  2007.  Conventional or atypical antipsychotics and the risk of femur fracture among elderly patients: results of a case-control study. J Clin Psychiatry. 68(6):929-34.
Lukas A., Mayer B., Fialova D., Topinkova E., Gindin J., Onder G., Bernabei R., Nikolaus T., Denkinger M.D.  2013.  Pain Characteristics and Pain Control in European Nursing Homes: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Results From the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care (SHELTER) Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc. :aheadofprint.
Lukas A., Mayer B., Fialova D., Topinkova E., Gindin J., Onder G., Bernabei R., Nikolaus T., Denkinger M.D.  2013.  Treatment of Pain in European Nursing Homes: Results from the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm Care (SHELTER) Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 14(11):821-831.
Lukas A., Mayer B., Onder G., Bernabei R., Denkinger M.D.  2015.  Schmerztherapie in deutschen Pflegeeinrichtungen im europäischen Vergleich: Ergebnisse der SHELTER-Studie. Schmerz. 29(4):411-421.
Lukas A., Mayer B., Onder G., Bernabei R., Denkinger M.D.  2015.  Pain therapy in German long-term care facilities in a European comparison: Results of the SHELTER study. Schmerz. 29(4):411-421.
Onder G., Carpenter I., Finne-Soveri H., Gindin J., Frijters D., Henrard J.C, Nikolaus T., Topinkova E., Tosato M., Liperoti R. et al..  2012.  Assessment of nursing home residents in Europe: the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care (SHELTER) study. BMC Health Serv Res. 12:5.
Onder G., Giovannini S., Sganga F., Manes-Gravina E., Topinkova E., Finne-Soveri H., Garms-Homolova V., Declercq A., van der Roest H.G, Jonsson P.V et al..  2018.  Interactions between drugs and geriatric syndromes in nursing home and home care: results from Shelter and IBenC projects. Aging Clin Exp Res.
Onder G., Landi F., Gambassi G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Catananti C., Finne-Soveri H., Katona C., Carpenter I., Bernabei R..  2005.  Association between pain and depression among older adults in Europe: results from the Aged in Home Care (AdHOC) project: a cross-sectional study.. J Clin Psychiatry.. 66(8):982-8.
Onder G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Carpenter I., Steel K., Bernabei R., Landi F..  2007.  Case management and risk of nursing home admission for older adults in home care: results of the AgeD in HOme Care Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 55(3):439-44.
Onder G., Liperoti R., Soldato M., Cipriani M.C, Bernabei R., Landi F..  2007.  Depression and risk of nursing home admission among older adults in home care in Europe: results from the Aged in Home Care (AdHOC) study. J Clin Psychiatry. 68(9):1392-8.