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Mello Jde Almeida.  2020.  Towards continuity of care and evidence-based decision making: The implementation of the interRAI Suite in Belgium. World interRAI Conference, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven.
Mello Jde Almeida, Cès S, Vanneste D, Van Durme T, Van Audenhove C, Macq J, Fries B, Declercq A.  2020.  Comparing the case-mix of frail older people at home and of those being admitted into residential care: a longitudinal study. BMC geriatrics. 20(1):1-10.
Mello Jde Almeida, Hermans K, Van Audenhove C, Macq J, Declercq A.  2015.  Evaluations of home care interventions for frail older persons using the interRAI Home Care instrument: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(2):173.e1-10.
Mello Jde Almeida, Tran TDung, Krausch-Hofmann S, Meehan B, van Hout H, Turcotte L, van der Roest HG, Garms-Homolova V, Jonsson P, Onder G et al..  2019.  Cross-Country Validation of the Association Between Oral Health and General Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(9):1137-1142.e2.
Mello Jde Almeida, Wellens NIH, Hermans K, de Stampa M, Cerase V, Vereker N, Jonsson PV, Finne-Soveri H, Meehan B, Declercq A.  2023.  The Implementation of Integrated Health Information Systems - Research Studies from 7 Countries Involving the InterRAI Assessment System. Int J Integr Care. 23(1):8.
Mello Jde Almeida, Wellens NIH, Hermans K, de Stampa M, Cerase V, Vereker N, Jónsson PV, Finne-Soveri H, Meehan B, Declercq A.  2023.  The Implementation of Integrated Health Information Systems – Research Studies from 7 Countries Involving the InterRAI Assessment System. International Journal of Integrated Care. 23(1)
Krausch-Hofmann S, Bogaerts K, Hofmann M, Mello Jde Almeida, Moreira NCristina F, Lesaffre E, Declerck D, Declercq A, Duyck J.  2015.  Missing Oral Health-Related Data in the interRAI-HC - Associations with Selected Variables of General Health and the Effect of Multiple Imputation on the Relationship between Oral and General Health. PLoS One. 10(12)
Krausch-Hofmann S, Mello Jde Almeida, Declerck D, Declercq A, De Lepeleire J, Tran TDung, Lesaffre E, Duyck J.  2019.  The oral health-related section of the interRAI: Evaluation of test content validity by expert rating and assessment of potential reasons for inaccurate assessments based on focus group discussions with caregivers. Gerodontology. 36(4):382-394.
Krausch-Hofmann S, Tran TDung, Declerck D, Mello Jde Almeida, Declercq A, Lesaffre E, De Lepeleire J, Duyck J.  2020.  Development and validation of an Optimized Photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section. Symposium 3: Development and validation of an optimized photograph-supported interRAI Oral Health Section, conducted at World interRAI Conferende 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven, Belgium.
Krausch-Hofmann S, Tran TDung, Janssens B, Declerck D, Lesaffre E, Mello Jde Almeida, Declercq A, De Lepeleire J, Duyck J.  2021.  Assessment of oral health in older adults by non-dental professional caregivers—development and validation of a photograph-supported oral health–related section for the interRAI suite of instruments. Clinical Oral Investigations. 25(6):3475-3486.
Krausch‐Hofmann S, Mello Jde Almeida, Declerck D, Declercq A, De Lepeleire J, Tran TDung, Lesaffre E, Duyck J.  2019.  The oral health‐related section of the interRAI: Evaluation of test content validity by expert rating and assessment of potential reasons for inaccurate assessments based on focus group discussions with caregivers. Gerodontology. 36(4):382-394.